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Excerpt from: The Pacific Ocean Is Dying – And You Don’t Even Know



Russians at it, again

Preface, Part 1

Review of the literature


Exhibit No. 5

07:18 PM Jun 11, 2011 | 74  

-708- Fukushima health study: 100 mSv/yr okay for pregnant moms - Effects of radiation do not come to happy people - they come to people that are weak-spirited - Soviets required mandatory evacuation at Chernobyl at 5 millisieverts.


A nightingale without a song to sing

One day, minding my own business surfing the net on youtube, innocent of the subject matter of this book as a jaybird on a telephone pole squawking, I stumbled upon a video. It documented a journey with a dog along thousands of miles of British Columbia coastline and neighboring islands.

That coastline is beautifully covered with tide pools and teaming life, perhaps the most beautiful coastline in the world according to tourists and divers -- purple, red, yellow, green and blue creatures, starfish, sea urchins, sea anemones, seaweeds swaying gently in currents, oysters and shellfish nested in layers, stacked beside, atop one another in a shoreline rainbow of living sea, as had thrilled many a child, adult and dog..

The only problem: those pictures were taken before March 2011.


02:30 PM Aug 15, 2013 | 31

-6189- Fairewinds on Troubling Events During Nuclear Disaster: Noise that sounds like rain when it’s not raining - Family had five pets die in hours, all found with ‘milky white’ eyes - Woman engulfed in wave of heat, later told kidney ‘died’ (AUDIO)


-6189.1,.2 Testimonies of people living near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant at the time of the accident in 1979 - Mechanic who lived about four miles from the nuclear accident: My eyes were red and burning. I felt like I was looking through water. On Friday, we decided to evacuate. While packing our truck, a township police officer in a closed car shouted over his loudspeaker system, ‘Bill, don’t breathe this air. Get inside.’ … When we returned home, we went in the garage first and found our male German shepherd had died. His eyes were milky white. We had provided about 100 pounds of food and 50 gallons of water. However, he had only drunk water before he died. We had five cats that lived in a box on the back porch. All but one was dead. All the cats had milky white eyes. The one living cat had one eye that was milky white. Skin grew over this eye during the following weeks. This cat lived about six months after the accident. She had kittens prior to her death. The kittens were born dead and hairless.


12:43 PM Oct 28, 2014 | 154

-8478- Truly Frightening: Doctors being threatened for linking illnesses to Fukushima - Strange tumors, kids dying, pets dying - Much higher incidences of whole range of health problems reported - experts: 1,000,000 cancers - many other ailments possible (AUDIO & VIDEO)


01:19 PM Oct 1, 2013 | 36  

-6472- WSJ: Huge spike in dogs biting humans in Fukushima town; attacked without aggression, 70% to upper body - Study: May be associated with nuclear disaster - Gundersen: Research on animal defects hidden from public (VIDEO)


11:27 AM Nov 12, 2013 | 160  

-6680- Hundreds of sea turtles wash up dead on Pacific coast - dogs stop breathing and die almost instantly when eating them - many with reproductive problems


-8806.1- (historical) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA - (VIDEOS)


02:26 PM Oct 21, 2014 | 671

-8470- Never heard of so much sickness & death in such a short period says Fukushima evacuee - strange diseases in young people, deadly tumors and hemorrhages, pets missing hair, child losing all their fingernails, polydactyl baby - Doctor: My friends are dying of cancer, one after another


12:05 PM Mar 6, 2013 | 6  

-5493- Dad and son in Fukushima jail since Jan for rescuing animals in exclusion zone


Loss of innocents

Photos of the tide pools, showed no life at all. It was all missing. How was that possible? Only one bird was seen. No insects.


09:05 AM Oct 15, 2012 | 27

-4523- Fukushima Woman: Children are already starting to have health problems - we hardly saw mosquitos, moths, beetles this summer (VIDEO)


-8298.5- Japan TV broadcast: Mutations in animals and plants after Fukushima - Scientist: Very few insects, only 2 birds (PHOTOS & VIDEO) Dec 4, 2012


Tide pools and shoreline were dead gray. It was dead silent …no seagulls at all, just a lone eagle circling above, searching for food.


01:56 PM Jan 1, 2014 | 77  

-6874- Unprecedented disease outbreak to blame for dozens of bald eagles deaths - A major development - really kind of undocumented - virus may have mutated - Brains hemorrhaging, immune systems fail, why are they now more susceptible? (VIDEO)


03:24 PM Dec 30, 2013 | 66  

Utah - Idaho: 20-30 Bald Eagles suffer seizures, head tremors & paralysis

-6866- LA Times: Experts suggest bald eagle deaths are related to Fukushima radiation - Idaho officials reporting similar sickness - hard to have national bird in your arms, going through seizures (AUDIO)


09:3A5 AM Dec 29, 2013 | 186  

Illness killing bald eagles in western U.S. - wings paralyzed, full blown seizures

-6861- ‘High Alert’: Mystery illness kills bald eagles in Western U.S. - Wings paralyzed, seizures - Experts: Very big concern… Never seen anything like this… We just don’t know what’s going on (VIDEOS)


A little denial goes a long way

Some swore it was airborne and seaborne nuclear fallout from Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor explosions and meltdowns …that the mainstream news denied even happened, as did the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).

Wait a minute, hadn’t I heard something about that four years before? …the tsunami …the offshore earthquake that flooded Japan and the reactor at Fukushima Dai-ichi …that was ancient history.

But, here was the absence of krill causing whales to starve, absence of feeder fish, no herring causing dolphins and sea lions and seals and pelicans to starve …the growing absence of tuna and salmon from Alaska to Mexico …and, Pacific sea life dying from mysterious diseases.


05:10 PM Feb 5, 2017

-8841- Record whale deaths in Hawaii - throughout islands in Pacific - Sick and starving mystery to experts - Possible health effects from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO)


12:15 AM Nov 4, 2013 | 63  

-6643- Sardine population plummets along U.S. West Coast - AP: Collapse of species feared - Canadian Pacific fishermen catch no sardines in 2013


07:59 PM Jun 2, 2014 | 92

-8262- Drastic plunge in baby California pelicans - from 1,000s to 10 or less - zero born in study areas


05:00 AM May 28, 2014 | 126

-8253- 1% usual number of baby California pelicans; failure to breed; Only 20 newborns in area where 10,000 expected (AUDIO)


09:34 AM May 1, 2014 | 77

-8207- SF Chronicle: Unbelievable hordes of fish near California coast; birds, sea lions, dolphins, whales, pelicans


04:02 PM Dec 22, 2013 | 70  

-6841- Experts: Really an off year - Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food - Breeding success poor since 2011 - pelicans are responding to large scale changes - Sardine crash persists in Pacific since decline in 2011


09:08 AM Nov 25, 2013 | 106  

-6739- NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded - Biologist: Very strange year - Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events recently on Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)


08:48 AM Dec 1, 2012 | 6  -

-4879- Tests indicate Minnesota pelicans exposed to contamination in Gulf - Concern for what it could do to population - Dispersant chemicals in 1/3 of birds - Official: ‘Really interesting’ results coming in


10:05 AM Jul 28, 2014 | 440

-8336- Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest - ecological shift, crashes in many species - herring problem worse than revealed; Mexico bans Bluefin tuna fishing


12:34 PM Jul 21, 2014 | 226

-8330- Radiation detectable in tuna at California coast - bio-accumulation - Fukushima reactor leaks may gather as a lump and drift offshore (VIDEO)


3:40 PM Mar 19, 2017 |111

-8861- Hundreds of millions of Pacific salmon missing, presumed dead - Gov’t issues emergency order along U.S. West Coast - Japan suffering historic collapse, fish starving to death - All forms of ocean life dying in stunning numbers across Pacific


09:58 PM Apr 29, 2014 | 92

-8202- USA Today: Radiation tripled in some albacore tuna off West Coast after Fukushima - Bio-accumulating in bones, not only flesh - Additional exposures to plume could further increase radiation levels - NOAA-funded study to expand after significant findings (AUDIO)


Cousteau warns Californians

08:27 PM Feb 16, 2014 | 136

-8002- Fukushima plume: could be dangerous, watch reports; not touching Bluefin tuna, I’m done due to pollution - leaders personally reluctant to eat fish


Mar 30, 2017 12:43 PM | 163

-8866- Most catastrophic fisheries collapse in history expected along West Coast - Official: This is a nightmare, I have never in my life dreamed that it could get this bad - Threat of coast-wide fishing failure (VIDEO)


05:43 PM Aug 1, 2015 | 321

Salmon covered in fungus & red lesions all over, big gaping sores - millions dead


-8689- USA Today: Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest - Ocean conditions have gone to hell - Salmon covered in fungus, red lesions all over, big gaping sores - Extinction concerns (VIDEO & PHOTOS)



01:47 PM Mar 13, 2017 | 21

-8857- Fish leaking pus, covered in lesions, deformed along US West Coast - Fisherman: Nearly all fish caught affected; never seen this… Some had pus all over body - Official: So many are showing illness, environmental conditions could be a factor (PHOTOS)


Dead whales & their babies - abnormal blood clot formations in heart and lungs

08:36 PM Dec 30, 2015 | 903

-8755- Pacific Rim/West Coast: Endangered whale dies, abnormal blood clot formations in heart and lungs; baby whale carcasses on beaches U.S., Canada, Mexico (VIDEO)


05:31 AM Oct 23, 2015 | 121

-8730- Mexico, Gulf of California: Hundreds of dolphins, sea lions, turtles and rare sea animals floating on water and dead on beaches (PHOTOS)


6733.7- Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest - Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved - Biologists investigating how this land-based mold is now appearing in ocean - Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer (PHOTOS) May 21, 2015



-6733.9- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium---02-02-15 - Whitefish that had a bulged out eyeball and some type of growth around the cheekbone. Would like to know the cause of these observed abnormalities ---12-10-14 - Whitefish has a brownish moldy growth all over body. We would like to know more about what is going on with our fish and why this is happening ---10-24-14 - Trout appeared to have sores rotting or decaying… have never seen these sores before… We are still seeing a lot of fish with these kinds of conditions ---06-12-14 - A codfish that was caught with a deep cut or sore on it was pulled in… We are not really sure what happened to this poor cod, but we think it is unusual ---05-26-14 - Whitefish that had a growth on its dorsal fin. Other fish were also caught with a similar condition… ADF&G: This whitefish has… probably a neoplasm (cancer) ---02-17-14 - Fish… found with lesions on them… Other people also said they saw these bumps… elders who said they have seen fish with skin bumps like this once before… people are still worried because they are not sure what it is this time…. these bumps… were like puss. There are quite a few people who are worried.


-6733.10- Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast - Literally covering all of Oregon coast - Washing up from California to Alaska - Expert: Death totals are staggering, (VIDEO) May 3, 2015


8701.A- [editor’s note: duplicate number error -8702- renamed -8701.A-] Horrific environmental mystery… Everyone’s freaked out: 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast - Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event - Scientists alarmed, no idea what’s happening - Expert: it’s all going to cascade up to us - Other die-offs being reported (VIDEOS)


10:23 AM Aug 20, 2015 | 888

-8701- Unbelievable!: Scientists stunned as 3 rare giant oarfish found dead off Los Angeles in recent weeks - Flesh falling apart while still alive, body parts missing - Biologist: Of course I’m very concerned… for some reason they’re dying… it’s very strange - Being tested for toxins (VIDEO)


-6739.1- excerpt from above story: New York Times, November 24, 2013: It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them - in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands - the pelicans - bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted - it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents - more than 200 humpbacks - and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy orcas - the water in every direction roiled with mammals - For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories - never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long - Last month, anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor


-6739.2- Scientists warn of mass die-off on California coast -Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up as far as I could see - Toxin spread up and down West Coast - unusual… extraordinary (VIDEO) Jun 2, 2015


-6739.3- Something odd in Pacific; Sea creatures acting strangely, species turning up where rarely seen - L.A. Lifeguard: Used to be two shark sightings a year, now it’s two a day (VIDEOS) Nov 27, 2013


-6739.4- Toxic bloom eating the West Coast alive - Unusual deaths up and down Pacific coast - All populations of marine mammals way down in areas - Largest recorded -unprecedented (VIDEO) Aug 9, 2015


-6739.5- Whale Expert, Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this behavior, They must sense this is a safe place to be - Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific - One even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO) Nov 30, 2013


-6739.6- Surge in marine mammal strandings on West Coast - My biggest fear is if this… is everywhere along coast - Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds recently washing up in large numbers - thousands likely dead - Violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO) Aug 30, 2014


Manatees die in droves on Florida coasts – deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins

10:56 AM Mar 29, 2013 | 54  

-5680- Manatees die in droves on Florida coasts - deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins increase - Scientists fear beginning of a devastating ecosystem collapse


12:40 AM Aug 11, 2015 | 803

-8695- U.S. Gov’t Expert: Fukushima is always on people’s minds… a lot of concern and worry about radiations role in unusual marine deaths - Reports of shrunken or enlarged organs, black kidneys, sores on liver, slime in mouth, discolored skin - Mortality in intertidal zone like we haven’t seen before (VIDEO)


01:57 AM Aug 7, 2015 | 322

-8692- U.S. Gov’t: We don’t know what’s going on in Pacific - Many ill baby seals being abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; dying whales, birds, fish (AUDIO)


Shorelines from Alaska to

Mexico now graveyards

Starfish dissolving, oysters gone, harbors flooded with dead fish, shorelines from Alaska to Mexico mass graveyards for every form of sea life


Salmon, sardines, squid, sea urchins, sea star extinction threat

09:37 AM Feb 23, 2016 | 109

-8778- Pacific Rim: Extinction threat: salmon; sardines, squid, sea urchins, kelp, sea star; marine mammals


09:28 AM Feb 22, 2016 | 316

-8777- Fukushima - to dump past, present, future nuclear waste and debris into Pacific


Hundreds of millions

of sea stars dead

11:38 PM Sep 15, 2015 | 499

-8712- West Coast: Disease re-emerges - hundreds of millions of sea stars dead - changes in genes - sea life disappears; tide pool communities fail (VIDEO)


Starfish multiple

species - millions dead

12:30 PM Jun 4, 2015 | 257

-8648- West Coast: Scientists tell details of mass starfish mortality summer 2011 - millions of deaths before sea star wasting syndrome - Many species wiped out in days - mortality rate of 99.99% over large region


Sea star epidemic

09:18 AM Apr 7, 2015 | 659

-8605- New mass mortality in sea creatures along California coast - Body parts fall off, animals waste away - Researchers fear sea star epidemic spread (PHOTOS)


Sea stars die by

millions on west coast

01:11 AM Jul 29, 2014 | 240

-8338- Sea stars disappear from Orange County coast over 2-week period - largest epidemic ever in ocean - something changed in marine environment (VIDEO)


Sea star epidemic – extinction close

08:13 PM Jun 11, 2014 | 177

-8278- Experts: Disease explosion in West Coast sea stars - extinction event close epidemic threatens to decimate entire population of species in Oregon - 50-fold increase in recent weeks - ecosystem could be disrupted - no clue (VIDEO)


Sea stars decimated on West Coast

02:21 PM Apr 5, 2014 | 159

-8145- Sea stars decimated on West Coast - SoCal ravaged as mystery disease spreads south; hundreds last year, now none - mortality event like this never before documented - uncharted waters - turn to bacterial goop (RADIO)


12:28 PM Jan 30, 2014 | 214

-7030- West Coast sea stars rip themselves apart - innards spill out - melt into mush - vaporize (VIDEO)


Sea star epidemic on West Coast - Sea urchins, sea cucumbers affected – go locally extinct, overnight

05:12 PM Dec 30, 2013 | 118  

-6867- Fukushima pollution may be causing sea star epidemic on West Coast - Sea urchins, sea cucumbers also affected - Something’s making them susceptible… It’s unlike anything we’ve seen… Populations go locally extinct overnight


02:05 AM Dec 28, 2013 | 72  

Sea stars turning to goo along West Coast - absorb 1000 times more plutonium than fish

-6856- Fukushima can’t be excluded as factor in sea stars turning to goo along West Coast; hasn’t been ruled out - proficient at absorbing radioisotopes; 1,000x more plutonium than fish (AUDIO)


07:34 PM Dec 27, 2013 | 70

-6855- Ocean currents spread Fukushima contamination across world - 4,000 miles away: radiation in seafood imports increase noticeably; time for stakeholders to be on alert (AUDIO)


Sea stars turning to goo along West Coast - absorb 1000 times more plutonium than fish

02:05 AM Dec 28, 2013 | 72  

-6856- Fukushima can’t be excluded as factor in sea stars turning to goo along West Coast; hasn’t been ruled out - proficient at absorbing radioisotopes; 1,000x more plutonium than fish (AUDIO)


All sea stars on west coast could be wiped out - guts coming out

08:59 PM Dec 12, 2013 | 87  

-6805- Marine Biologist: All sea stars along west coast of North America could be wiped out - Some developing ‘bald spots’; Others look completely healthy except for guts coming out - ‘Speculation’ it could be related to Fukushima


05:20 AM Dec 3, 2013 | 174  

-6769- Sea star die-off worse than thought; Now over entire West Coast; Going from one species to others - Gov’t tests ‘rule out’ Fukushima - melting all at once (VIDEO)


04:05 PM Nov 17, 2013 | 150  

-6702- CBS News: ‘Immense mystery’ as sea stars being wiped out along West Coast, could be gone for generations - Bewildering disease is spreading and no idea what’s causing it, or how to stop it – Time-lapse shows all legs lost in 7 hours (VIDEOS)


12:46 PM Dec 9, 2013 | 76  

-6792- Fukushima radiation possible culprit in huge starfish die off from Mexico to Alaska - Potential catastrophe, extremely virulent going on up and down coast… going to change what’s out there pretty fundamentally


Sea star breaks in half, walks

away then turns to goo

10:42 AM Nov 12, 2013 | 41  

-6679- Hundreds wash up dead in Seattle. Don’t know how the pathogen is doing this - Sea star broke in half, walked away, then turned to goo - ‘Environmental factors’ to blame? - (VIDEO)


04:05 AM Dec 1, 2013 | 162  

-6649.5--6762- NBC Nightly News: What’s going on in the Pacific - Millions of starfish ‘melt away’ from Alaska to California - Fukushima radiation ‘not ruled out’ as factor in epidemic - very different than anything seen before (VIDEO) Dec 1, 2013



05:50 PM Nov 7, 2013 | 82  

-6665- Mystery: starfish turn to ‘slime’ along Pacific coast - loss of millions and millions - Innards become exposed and fall apart - cases balloon in Alaska (VIDEO)


Sea star rips itself into pieces

09:05 PM Nov 4, 2013 | 67  

-6649- PHOTOS: Sea star rips itself into pieces - Like a horror movie - AP: Deaths from Alaska to S. California - Biologist: Related to an environmental change? An early warning that we aren’t picking up on? - Professor: None of us had ever seen anything like this before


-6649.1- Seattle TV: Warning, video of the (melting) sea stars might be disturbing - Scientists are so concerned about rapidly spreading die off on West Coast - Doubled in just a few days - Jellyfish numbers booming Nov 2, 2013


-6649.2-  ‘Immense mystery’ as sea stars being wiped out along West Coast, could be gone for generations - bewildering disease is spreading and no idea what’s causing it, or how to stop it – Time-lapse shows all legs lost in 7 hours (VIDEOS) Nov 17, 2013


-6649.3- Sea stars decimated on West Coast - SoCal ravaged as mystery disease spreads south; saw hundreds last year, now none - got hit really hard - mortality event like this never before documented - turning to ‘bacterial goop’ (RADIO) Apr 5, 2014


-6649.4- UC Berkeley Professor: California seeing Fukushima fallout won’t be a surprise - ‘Especially concerned’ after radioactive leaks at plant were admitted - not terribly confident in info Japan shares Jan 19, 2014


Starfish melting

10:39 PM Nov 2, 2013 | 18  

-6635- Seattle TV: Warning, video of (melting) sea stars disturbing - rapidly spreading die off on West Coast - doubled in just a few days - Jellyfish numbers booming


Starfish suffer as a species

03:13 PM Nov 2, 2013 | 84  

-6632- Starfish population - Orange County to Alaska - eat each other then melt - similar on East Coast since 2011 - (VIDEO)


Melting sea stars – 60% of

species sick or dying

07:22 AM Oct 27, 2013 | 36  

-6605- TV: Like they’re melting… a lot of melting sea stars out there says Seattle biologist - Veterinarian: It’s concerning, in under a week roughly 60% of species are sick or dying - Same thing happening near Canada and nobody’s sure why (VIDEO)


Starfish epidemic moving fast

02:06 PM Oct 14, 2013 | 54  

-6545- Starfish epidemic moving fast - Turn into ‘goo’ in Washington, not just Canada - Virus, bacteria or something else entirely? Will it spread to other sea life and other parts of West Coast? (AUDIO)


Starfish die-off Canada, California

04:15 PM Oct 7, 2013 | 75  

-6508- Alarming mass die-off of starfish in areas along Canada’s Pacific coast - They’ve disintegrated, now there’s just goo left - Appeared to melt - Single arms clinging to rock faces, tube feet still moving - Similar reports as far away as California (VIDEO)


02:59 PM Oct 7, 2013 | 56  

-6507- Canada TV: New concerns about radiation levels in fish from Pacific - These numbers are just staggering - Contamination up considerably - It’s a major event worldwide (VIDEO)


Sea Urchins, starfish, abalone,

mollusks graveyard

10:54 AM May 12, 2014 | 152

-8227- 50 miles of California coast a graveyard, summer 2011 - abalone, urchins, starfish, other mollusks-[a] -[a]- alterations in 30 genes, some unknown - kills wildlife (PHOTO -[a])


07:35 PM Dec 9, 2013 | 61  

-6794- Weird things happening on California coast: Previously unknown toxic algae blooms proliferating; Unprecedented mass of oxygen-poor water near shore - mystery strandings of large squid covered miles (VIDEO)


04:06 PM Dec 9, 2013 | 141  

-6793- Plutonium in water leaking into sea is most dangerous thing at Fukushima, it can be carried around world and end up on a beach or in fish - Plutonium contamination a serious threat to environment and human health (AUDIO)


12:46 PM Dec 9, 2013 | 76  

-6792- Fukushima radiation possible culprit in huge starfish die off from Mexico to Alaska - Potential catastrophe, virulent - going on up and down coast - going to change what’s out there pretty fundamentally


10:48 AM Dec 9, 2013 | 142  

-6791- Plutonium from Fukushima in New Mexico desert - Local and regional contaminations of plutonium in environment from nuclear accident


07:10 PM Dec 8, 2013 | 107  

-6790- Report reveals highest level of radioactive xenon-133 to hit Canada after Fukushima over 6,000% more than gov’t website claims



-8403- TV: Starfish on Pacific coast - babies die so quickly - just disappear-change in seawater could have activated deadly pathogen - ecosystem changes now appearing (VIDEO)


12:18 PM Sep 2, 2014 | 158

-8402- Fukushima forecast used by Gov’t shows nuclear waste crossing ocean in single massive cluster - maximum concentration propagates eastward in Pacific toward U.S. - Highest levels worldwide remain along coast of N. America thru 2026 (VIDEO)


01:48 PM Aug 27, 2014 | 150

-8392- Japan Models show North America hit with high levels from Fukushima plume - Radioactive material in ocean off West Coast 500x more than expected (VIDEO)


09:26 AM Dec 12, 2013 | 106  

-6802- Pacific has seen its fair share of weird recently - Bay in California now a massive soup bowl - Miles of anchovies, mountains deep - like none ever recorded (VIDEO)



12:59 PM Feb 8, 2015 | 269

-8560- Shellfish disappear on west coast - systemic crisis - finding Pacific shellfish next to impossible - no local scallops, supply gone - began a few months ago, oyster farms flourishing for years shut down (VIDEOS)


Squid, oyster, sardine, mackerel, birds, pelican, sea lions, whales, mammals, fish – sick or missing

03:23 AM Jun 17, 2014 | 138

-8287- S. California - Haven’t seen a squid, usually 10,000 lbs/day - crashes at oyster hatcheries - sardines, mackerel missing in areas - pelican sites deserted - sick sea lions - ultra-rare whales appear after decades - mammals, birds, fish in odd places


Mussels, clams, oysters

07:01 PM Apr 1, 2014 | 96

-8134- High concentrations of Fukushima cesium in Vancouver area - ocean currents slow down - Levels are increasing - hotspots where radiation concentrates - chances are high for marine life to absorb it… concern about mussels, clams, oysters (AUDIO)


Oyster, scallop, shellfish die-offs

11:50 PM Feb 28, 2014 | 115

-8047- Pacific Northwest: Die-off of oysters and scallops, millions of shellfish, deformed shells, smaller in size - July mortality hit 95 to 100 percent (AUDIO)


09:32 AM Jan 22, 2012 | 45  

-2347- Oysters grow at double speed in North Japan - Rafts would have sunk from weight of oysters


11:05 AM Aug 18, 2015 | 520  

-8700- Official: Thousands of millions of fish wash up dead in Alaska - Piles of them… I have never seen anything like it… First time we’ve ever heard of this (VIDEO)


06:07 PM Aug 25, 2015 | 544

-8701.C- [ed’s note: duplicate number error -8701- renamed --8701.C-] Southern California coast: Fukushima nuclear waste detected - highest levels in North America since testing program began - 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium near beach between Los Angeles & San Diego (VIDEO & MAP)


07:52 AM Aug 24, 2015 | 266

8701.A- [editor’s note: duplicate number error -8702- renamed -8701.A- ] Horrific environmental mystery… Everyone’s freaked out: 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast - Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event - Scientists alarmed, no idea what’s happening - Expert: it’s all going to cascade up to us - Other die-offs being reported (VIDEOS)


10:23 AM Aug 20, 2015 | 888

-8701- Scientists stunned as 3 rare giant oarfish found dead off Los Angeles in recent weeks - Flesh falling apart while still alive, body parts missing - Biologist: Of course I’m very concerned… they’re dying… very strange - tested for toxins (VIDEO)


Seafloor covered with dead fish

11:59 PM Jun 2, 2015 | 348

-8647- TV: Scientists warning of mass die-off along California coast - Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up as far as I could see - Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast - (VIDEO)


11:45 AM May 21, 2015 | 395

-8637- Pacific Northwest: Deadly black fungus being found on fish - Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved - Biologists investigating how this land-based mold is now appearing in ocean -reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer (PHOTOS)


11:09 AM Jul 29, 2014 | 137

-8339- Millions of jellyfish-like creatures wash up on Pacific beaches across multiple states - line entire Oregon Coast - seen for first time in a great many years - cover the sea surface… as far as we could see - thought to mix with ones from Japan (VIDEO & PICS)


10:29 AM Oct 19, 2013 | 146

-6568- Sailor: After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead - Nothing alive for over 3,000 miles - no longer saw turtles, dolphins, sharks, birds - saw one whale, it appeared helpless with big tumor on head


-6568.1- Similar reports about wildlife around the Pacific Rim, include: sardines --- seals --- sea lions --- polar bears --- sea stars --- turtles --- salmon --- herring --- coral and more.


-6568.2- 150 dolphins wash ashore at multiple locations - 50 miles from Fukushima border - Could be largest mass stranding ever reported in nation’s history - Gov’t Expert: Dolphins may have had psychological problems. don’t see immediate signs of cancer (VIDEO) Apr 11, 2015


-6568.3- Nuclear material came off unused fuel assembly removed from Fukushima Unit 4 pool - Cobalt-60 1,400,000,000 Bq/kg - Debris felt like grit (PHOTOS) Mar 26, 2013


-6568.4- Am I upset about Fukushima poisoning the Pacific Ocean? Yeah - Am I upset about Tepco & Japan’s gov’t lying through their teeth? Yeah Feb 4, 2014


-6568.5- see: Video: Fukushima birds unable to fly Jan 5, 2012

-6568.6- Japan Doctor: Tokyo should no longer be inhabited - Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima - People truly suffering - Bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging - children’s blood tests started changing last year - Time running short - up to physicians to save our citizens and future generations Jul 17, 2014


Sea stars, sea otters

03:38 PM Oct 9, 2013 | 40  

-6520- Vancouver Aquarium Blog: Area with ‘rivers’ of body parts from sea stars - ‘Strange behavior’ reported in sea otters (VIDEO)


Marine mammal

strandings & baby deaths

12:58 PM Feb 5, 2015 | 658

-8558- Marine mammal strandings shatter records on West Coast – 10x worse than they’ve ever seen before - Expert: 3 years of babies have crashed & burned… doesn’t make sense that they’re fine, then all of a sudden 3 years in a row, they’re not (VIDEO)


Animals on sea floor looking sick

or dead - everything’s dying

12:59 PM Nov 18, 2014 | 359

-8502- West Coast Scientists: Many animals on sea floor look sick or dead - Everything’s dying… Dead, dead, dead, and dead - Experts investigate what’s killing sea urchins and cucumbers in Pacific Northwest - things never previously observed (PHOTOS)


There were several videos: some showed three blown-up Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors.


05:56 AM Sep 27, 2011 | 15  

-1415- Plutonium evaporates - spreads as gas, after Fukushima meltdowns


And, at the same time TEPCO video news footage testified to normal reactor operations conducted by normal work crews in clean and crisp work clothes… as if the reactors hadn’t blown up and melted down, at all.

Back in the days before you’d be understood saying, ‘TEPCO is fake news, we called fake news what it was: propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, brainwashing, actual tactics of psychological warfare to destroy harmony.

Watching the videos and seeing the pictures of Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors all blown up and melted down, and TEPCO pictures showing there had been no blowing up, no melting down, and no damage …to speak of, was hard to grasp.


Mainstream news today-- in

total denial or sell-outs?

Up to and following the Trump inauguration, the ‘system’ continues to blame the lesions, tumors, bleeding eyes and rotting flesh, death and near extinction-levels of sea species, on what hiding behind a stupid grin they call, new and mysterious diseases caused by global warming.[a]




Editor’s note: ‘New and mysterious diseases’

07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 | 98

-8809- Dead animals litter California beaches - graveyard of washed-up sea life - malnourished sea creatures - starving to death - Covered in sores - stunted growth - Weak immune systems (PHOTO & VIDEOS)


10:15 PM Mar 1, 2017 | 390

-8852- Mysterious cancer kills sea lions along West Coast - Bones turn to mush – Inside, masses of yellow, cancerous tissue - die at alarming rates (VIDEO)


05:01 PM Feb 25, 2017 | 81

-8849- Officials warn mysterious radioactive cloud spreads - Authorities ‘baffled’ over release - could be leak from nuclear plant


02:13 PM Feb 20, 2017 | 7  

-8846- ‘Mystery’: Radiation spikes detected in many countries – U.S. military secretly deploys ‘nuclear sniffer’ aircraft - Radioactivity levels quadruple - Iodine-131 proves recent release - origin unknown”


05:10 PM Feb 5, 2017

-8841- Record whale deaths in Hawaii - throughout islands in Pacific - Sick and starving mystery to experts - “Possible health effects” from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO)


02:24 PM Jan 29, 2017

-8834- Gov’t declares “disaster” over diseased and dying fish on U.S. West Coast - “Sudden, unexpected large decreases” in population - Scientists “mystified, stumped” - Officials: “Environmental disaster. Devastating… Alarming… Dire” (VIDEO)


8736- Seaborne West Coast: Fukushima nuclear waste off shoreline of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska - Highest radiation off San Francisco (MAP-[a])

-8736.1- Fukushima nuclear waste detected along Southern California coast - Highest levels seen anywhere in North America since testing program began - 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium measured near beach between Los Angeles and San Diego (VIDEO & MAP) Aug, 2015


-8736.2- Scientists detect Fukushima radiation on North American shores - Coastal communities ‘concerned’ - 7 Bq/m3 of cesium on dock in Pacific Northwest - It indicates arrival of other radioactive substances - Represents potential radiological health risk (VIDEO) Apr, 2015


-8736.3- China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast - Official: They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen - Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California - Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely (AUDIO) Dec 13, 2013


-8623--8736.4- Billions of mysterious creatures dead on West Coast - covers all of Oregon coast - Washing up from California to Alaska - Death totals staggering, got to be billions (VIDEO) May 3, 2015


-8736.5-  Radiation level spike for West Coast? Abnormal readings on 8 of 18 EPA monitors - Calif., Oregon, Washington - Devices undergo quality review Mar 22, 2011


-8736.6- 2x Fukushima radiation near Calif. coast than reported; Highest in Eastern Pacific - little we can do – unprecedented - God forbid anything else happens - Gundersen: Plumes on west coast - coming for century or more (AUDIO) Nov 20, 2014


-8736.7- Fukushima nuclear waste detected on Southern California coast - Highest levels seen in North America since testing began - 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium near beach between Los Angeles and San Diego (VIDEO & MAP) Aug 25, 2015


07:52 AM Aug 24, 2015 | 266

-8702- 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast - Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event - Scientists alarmed, no idea what’s happening - Expert: it’s going to cascade up to us - Other die-offs reported (VIDEOS)


09:40 PM Jul 20, 2015 | 206

-8681- Mystery green goo decimates West Coast fishing - Like ectoplasm in Ghostbusters - Experts: severe - unusual things - not catching fish - Never as bad - - Worst season ever (PHOTO)


11:17 PM Jul 12, 2015 | 129

-8675- U.S. scientists test for radiation in dead whales = mysterious die-off in Pacific continues - 14 carcasses reported - toll could rise - may have consumed toxins (VIDEO)


Alaska polar bears

suffering lesions, seals sores

-8591- Alaska: Mysterious afflictions - polar bears suffer baldness and lesions; spikes 1,000% after Fukushima began - Ongoing reports of hairless seals with sores  (PHOTO)


05:22 PM Feb 22, 2015 | 227

-8574- Bizarre, milky rain falls for days by most contaminated nuclear site in U.S. - Expert: I’ve never seen anything like it - Very unusual for our area - Nuke lab didn’t collect enough to analyze… never planned to do real study on mystery material - NOAA contaminates sample, then loses it (VIDEO)


02:21 PM Jan 13, 2015 | 332

Sick marine mammal surge on Calif. coast


-8536- Mysterious surge in sick marine mammals all along California coast - Infested with parasites, emaciated; ill… in bad shape - Experts: we’re extremely concerned right now - Deaths up 1,500% at rescue facility - mystifies officials (VIDEOS)


08:14 AM Nov 4, 2014 | 146

-8486- Mysterious phenomena off U.S. West Coast: Fish disappear, whales nearly absent, no krill, high rates of egg failure among birds - California Fishermen: Almost nothing there, just warm, clear water


01:06 AM Sep 26, 2014 | 261

-8436- We found mystery Fukushima plutonium; Why it’s there is yet to be understood, this was not expected - U.S. Gov’t Expert: I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole too far - speculation about plutonium fuel and what other fuel they were using (VIDEO)


09:00 AM Sep 10, 2014 | 180

-8413- Head Scientist: I used to think I knew why mystery epidemic is decimating millions of West Coast starfish, now I don’t - toxic pollution suspected - Fukushima not dismissed - Significant levels of fallout got in our coastal food web


Sea lions dying from organs

falling out of place, tumors

08:20 PM Sep 6, 2014 | 352

-8408- California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of puss inside bodies (PHOTOS) Marine mammal deaths reported by The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, Calif) since June 2014 (domoic acid-related deaths excluded):

(12) Abscess: Collection of pus in tissue of t body

(1) Carcinoma: Cancer that begins when altered or damaged DNA occurs so that cells become transformed, and begin to exhibit abnormal malignant properties.

(1) Cardiomyopathy: Heart muscle disease – deterioration of the heart muscle, usually leads to heart failure

(1) Coccidioidomycosis: Fungal disease - serious complications may occur in patients with weakened immune systems

(2) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Blood clots [that can] lead to multiple organ damage - clotting is disrupted - severe bleeding can occur

(7) Neoplasia: Commonly referred to as a tumor - malignant neoplasm is a cancer

(6) Otostrongylus: Lungworms in lungs or heart of seals

(3) Peritonitis: Inflammation of tissue lining inner wall of abdomen - may result from infection (often due to rupture of a hollow organ)

(4) Pneumonia: Inflammatory condition of the lung

(6) Prolapse: Latin for to fall out - organs, such as the uterus, fall down or slip out of place - organs protruding through vagina or rectum

(3) Pyothorax: Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity

(2) Renal Failure: Kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood

(5) Septicemia: Potentially fatal whole-body inflammation caused by severe infection


-8408.1- CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions - large pockets of green and yellow puss all over body (PHOTO & VIDEOS) Apr 20, 2014


-8408.2- Federal Gov’t declares Unusual Mortality Event in So. California - 70% of all newborn sea lions dying - Testing for toxins, infectious agents (VIDEO) Mar 28, 2013


-8408.3- Alarm - record numbers of seals and sea lions starve to death on Calif. coast - washing ashore  May 4, 2014


-8408.4- NBC: Record level of sick or injured California seals and sea lions turning up - numbers are extraordinary - pups should be weighing 2x or 3x as much, severely malnourished (VIDEO) Apr 18, 2014


-8408.5- TV: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals on California coast - Unprecedented numbers, annual record broken in 7 months - starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures - Sea lions ‘mysteriously’ vanishing on other side of Pacific - Experts: We don’t know what’s happening (VIDEO) Aug 3, 2014


02:05 PM Aug 22, 2014 | 175

-8381- Time Magazine: Doctor links recent outbreaks of mysterious ­rashes to Fukushima - Cancer Specialist: There’s so much societal pressure to not even mention the word radiation - Video: Huge number of cancers already… Gov’t engaged in propaganda (VIDEO)


10:03 AM Jun 18, 2011 | 19  

-771- Pasture grass contaminated with cesium above safety standard 200 km from Fukushima plant - Radiation levels over safety limits in many locations


Mystery illness hits

California horses

12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014 | 356

-8368- Mystery illness hits California horses - nobody will even tell us what it is -skin falls off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting - Never seen anything like it in 40-year career (PHOTOS & VIDEOS) - also, note similar condition of losing skin in marine mammals





01:26 PM May 6, 2015 | 417

Seals & walrus suffer

-8627- U.S. university tests animals in Pacific for Fukushima fallout - bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleed, covered in lesions - missing testicles, eyeballs - skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow - Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (Photos)



-8368.1- Biologist finds pink salmon canary yellow on Canada’s Pacific coast - Insides yellow: Heart parts, gill arches, spines, cartilage in head - Spleens swollen, livers spotted, some with bugged-out eyes (PHOTOS) Oct 17, 2013


-8368.2- Sickened Alaska animals getting more tests for Fukushima radionuclides - Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss (PHOTOS) Mar 14, 2013


01:26 PM May 6, 2015 | 417

-8368.3- U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation - Photos show bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions - Some are missing testicles, eyeballs - Skin disintegrating, peeling off, turning yellow - Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (PHOTOS) May 6, 2015




-8368.4- Eye swelling a symptom of thyroid disorder - I often hear how children’s eyes become swollen after being in radiation-contaminated sandboxes, says Japanese organizer… Remember the kitten? (VIDEO) Oct 31, 2011


-8368.5- ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: Toxic outbreak threatening marine life - Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing - Worst they’ve ever seen - Toxin hits record level, almost 1,000% above gov’t limit - Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO) May 3, 2014


10:19 AM Aug 14, 2014 | 241

-8367- Fukushima radiation causes serious biological effects - irreversible major shifts in ecosystems - abnormality and mortality (PHOTOS)


-8368.5- ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: Toxic outbreak threatening marine life - Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing - Worst they’ve ever seen - Toxin hits record level, almost 1,000% above gov’t limit - Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO) May 3, 2014


01:12 AM Aug 6, 2014 | 133

-8353- Alaska: New mystery disease much worse - could wreak havoc from Alaska to Mexico (VIDEO)


Farm animals

07:49 PM Jun 20, 2014 | 129

-8293- Farmers: Fukushima radiation cause mystery disease - animals have spots on bodies (PHOTO)


02:41 PM May 10, 2014 | 29

-8223- Concern Fukushima impacting Alaska; unusual animals showing up dead-[a]; seals w/unknown disease… first ever cases of avian cholera - rare whale beachings in Alaska-[a] -[a]- (PHOTOS)


-8223.1- VIDEO: Extremely rare whale washes up in Northeast Japan - Just one sighting of species in history - similar creature found dead nearby Apr 14, 2015


-8223.2- Mysterious deadly black fungus found on fish in Pacific Northwest - Gov’t: concern Fukushima radiation could be involved - Biologists investigating how this land-based mold is now appearing in ocean - Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer (PHOTOS) -[a] May 21, 2015


-8223.3- Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast - Literally covering all of Oregon coast - Washing up from California to Alaska - Expert: Death totals are staggering, it’s got to be billions (VIDEO) May 3, 2015


-8223.4- CNN: Scientists puzzled as rare ‘sea monsters’ wash ashore in Southern California - Expert: 2 giant oarfish and saber-toothed whale in a week… What is going on? (VIDEO) Oct 19, 2013


-8223.5- Officials in U.S. report very rare mutations in Pacific sea life - Never seen anything like this - Photos show red crabs completely white, shockingly bright blue… almost unnatural, or with yellow legs - Environment could play a role - Also observed recently by Japan (VIDEO) Jul 22, 2014


Sea stars decimated on West Coast

02:21 PM Apr 5, 2014 | 159

-8145- Sea stars decimated on West Coast - SoCal ravaged as mystery disease spreads south; hundreds last year, now none - hit hard - mortality event like this never before documented - uncharted waters - likes of which we haven’t seen - turn to bacterial goop (RADIO)


11:09 AM Mar 18, 2014 | 151

-8103- Scientists mystified over Fukushima radioactive waste found in Pacific Northwest - Washington Official: I have no idea how it could get there - need to monitor if it’s building up in food web


03:29 PM Feb 12, 2014 | 87

-7085- Scientists test for Fukushima plutonium particles transported-[a] in Pacific - environmental mobility (AUDIO)


-7085.1- Fuel materials introduced to ocean via drains at Fukushima plant, potentially serious contamination of marine environment - melted MOX fuel contains plutonium oxide


-7085.2- Plutonium is being discharged into Pacific Ocean from Fukushima plant; flowing out of ruptured containments - reactor water turns into ‘yellowish, fizzing liquid’ from damaged fuel rods - actually vibrates (PHOTO & VIDEO) Jul 1, 2014


-7085.3- ‘Death ashes’ everywhere after new Fukushima releases - hot particles attach to clothes; huge spray of radioactive material had Plutonium (VIDEO) Jul 21, 2014


-7085.4- ‘Mystery’ Fukushima plutonium; why it’s there yet to be understood - U.S. Gov’t Expert: Speculation about plutonium fuel and what other fuel was used (VIDEO) Sep 26, 2014


-7085.5- MOX fuel particles found over 100 km from Fukushima - Plutonium-239 levels ‘significantly enhanced’ after Reactor 3 explosion - nuclear fuel material transported in atmosphere across long distances (MAP) Dec 5, 2014


01:21 PM Feb 12, 2014 | 92

-7084- U.S. scientists worry about Fukushima radionuclide plume (MAP)


-7084.1- Previously unpublished map from gov't scientists shows Fukushima plume at Alaska coast (PHOTO)


-7084.2- Second radioactive plume headed to California - Effects of Fukushima will be increasing as front edge of large water plume arrives - Levels to rise for years - It’s a health and safety issue here yet no one testing ocean (VIDEO) Jan 19, 2014


-7084.3- Fairbanks city council passes Fukushima monitoring resolution: Alaska and west coast of N. America in danger - No safe levels of radiation… constitutes grave risk - Alaska Senator: need to be vigilant (AUDIO) Mar 15, 2014


-7084.4- Fukushima cesium detected in Alaska salmon sample - Radioactive plume reaches West Coast - Concerned fishermen forced to pay for tests since officials not doing it - People don’t trust gov’t - don’t trust corporations (AUDIO) Jan 16, 2014


-7084.5- ‘Mystery disease’ on Pacific coast of Alaska - livers ‘crumble’- hearts enlarged, pale… Yellow lymph nodes… blood-filled lungs (PHOTOS) - Professor: Worrying there’s no answers, big public health concern - Testing carcasses for Fukushima radioactivity (AUDIO) (PHOTO) May 16, 2014


-7084.6- Fukushima Plume Arrives at West Coast - Expert: If this was of greater health concern, we’d be very worried; One model predicts levels over 1,000% higher than another, this is not really acceptable (GRAPHIC) Feb 25, 2014


01:25 PM Dec 10, 2013 | 201  

-6797- U.S. Nuclear Officials: Fuel fragments were likely ejected from cladding at the 3 Fukushima reactors - Particles of fuel resemble highly radioactive ‘mystery black substance’ often seen in Japan since 3/11 (PHOTOS)


07:35 PM Dec 9, 2013 | 61  

-6794- Weird things happening on California coast: Previously unknown toxic algae blooms proliferating; Unprecedented mass of oxygen-poor water near shore - TV: mystery strandings of large squid covered miles (VIDEO)


Die-offs of mammals, birds,

reptiles in Western U.S.

10:35 AM Nov 23, 2013 | 146  

-6733- Die-offs of mammals, birds, reptiles in Western U.S. - So many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals - Names out of sci-fi thriller: hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague (VIDEO)


-6733.1- Areas by U.S. nuclear plants are becoming ‘seismically active’; Studies underway right now - NRC ‘Official Use Only’: Quakes can actually happen almost anywhere (AUDIO) Jan 3, 2014


-6733.2- Local TV: People came home to find animals with eyes burned out after TMI evacuation (VIDEO & PHOTOS) Feb2, 2012


-6733.3- Gundersen: Deformities, stillbirths not being reported after Fukushima - Officials withholding truth about health effects - Gov’t suppressing studies on deformed animals (AUDIO) Oct 3, 2013


-6733.4- Mysterious disease kills seals in Atlantic Ocean - Fukushima fallout tests underway by gov’t s (AUDIO) Sep 1, 2012


-6733.5- Concern Fukushima impacting Alaska; unusual animals showing up dead… Seals w/ unknown disease… 1st ever cases of avian cholera - ‘rare whale beachings’ in Alaska - Mysterious sea creatures found one after another (PHOTOS) May 10, 2014


-6733.6- VIDEO: Extremely rare whale washes up in Northeast Japan - Just one sighting of species in history - Similar creature found dead nearby Apr 14, 2015


-6733.7- Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest - Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved - Biologists investigating how this land-based mold is now appearing in ocean - Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer (PHOTOS) May 21, 2015


-6733.9- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium---02-02-15 - Whitefish that had a bulged out eyeball and some type of growth around the cheekbone. Would like to know the cause of these observed abnormalities -12-10-14 - Whitefish has a brownish moldy growth all over body. We would like to know more about what is going on with our fish and why this is happening ---10-24-14 - Trout appeared to have sores rotting or decaying… have never seen these sores before… We are still seeing a lot of fish with these kinds of conditions ---06-12-14 - A codfish that was caught with a deep cut or sore on it was pulled in… We are not really sure what happened to this poor cod, but we think it is unusual ---05-26-14 - Whitefish that had a growth on its dorsal fin. Other fish were also caught with a similar condition… ADF&G: This whitefish has… probably a neoplasm (cancer) ---02-17-14 - Fish… found with lesions on them… Other people also said they saw these bumps… elders who said they have seen fish with skin bumps like this once before… people are still worried because they are not sure what it is this time…. these bumps… were like puss. There are quite a few people who are worried.


-6733.10- Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast - Literally covering all of Oregon coast - Washing up from California to Alaska - Expert: Death totals are staggering, (VIDEO) May 3, 2015


-6733.11- CNN: Scientists puzzled as rare ‘sea monsters’ wash ashore in Southern California - Expert: 2 giant oarfish and saber-toothed whale in a week… What is going on? (VIDEO) Oct 19, 2013


04:05 PM Nov 17, 2013 | 150  

-6702-  ‘Immense mystery’ - sea stars wiped out on West Coast - could be gone for generations - Bewildering disease spreading - no idea what’s causing it, or how to stop it – Time-lapse: all legs lost in 7 hrs (VIDEOS)


12:28 PM Nov 16, 2013 | 79  

-6699- The truth must be told, Fukushima a major global threat to all living flora and fauna… Mainstream media not best source of information - Gundersen: Only thing saving us is the internet (AUDIO)


01:22 AM Nov 14, 2013 | 129  

-6688- U.S. Gov’t: Alaskan island shows impact from Fukushima - significant cesium isotope signature - more marine life to be impacted as ocean plume arrives (VIDEO)



05:50 PM Nov 7, 2013 | 82  

-6665- Mystery: starfish turn to ‘slime’ along Pacific coast - loss of millions and millions - Innards become exposed and fall apart - cases balloon in Alaska (VIDEO)


01:12 PM Nov 7, 2013 | 184  

-6664- Caldicott: 50 years or more of highly contaminated water flowing into Pacific from Fukushima - Tepco VP not optimistic: I have concerns for long-term plan - Location of melted fuel a mystery (VIDEO)


Sea star rips itself into pieces

09:05 PM Nov 4, 2013 | 67  

-6649- PHOTOS: Sea star rips itself into pieces - Like a horror movie - AP: Deaths from Alaska to S. California - Biologist: Related to an environmental change? An early warning we aren’t picking up on? - None of us has seen anything like this before


-6649.1- Warning, video of the (melting) sea stars might be disturbing - Scientists are so concerned about rapidly spreading die off on West Coast - Doubled in just a few days - Jellyfish numbers booming Nov 2, 2013


-6649.2- CBS News: ‘Immense mystery’ as sea stars being wiped out along West Coast, could be gone for generations - bewildering disease is spreading and no idea what’s causing it, or how to stop it – Time-lapse shows all legs lost in 7 hours (VIDEOS) Nov 17, 2013


-6649.3- Sea stars decimated on West Coast - SoCal ravaged as mystery disease spreads south; saw hundreds last year, now none - got hit really hard - mortality event like this never before documented - turning to ‘bacterial goop’ (RADIO) Apr 5, 2014


-6649.4- UC Berkeley Professor: California seeing Fukushima fallout won’t be a surprise - ‘concerned’ after radioactive leaks at plant were admitted - not terribly confident in info Japan shares - Jan 19, 2014


-6649.5- Another troubling report - what’s going on in the Pacific - Millions of starfish ‘melt away’ from Alaska to California - Fukushima radiation ‘not ruled out’ as factor in epidemic - very different than anything seen before (VIDEO) Dec 1, 2013


02:56 AM Oct 2, 2013 | 33  

-6474- ‘Mystery’ radiation spike at Fukushima - High levels of strontium in water leak into soil - Many times above gov’t limit - Overflow from TEPCO pumping in wrong container (PHOTO & VIDEO)


04:35 PM Sep 28, 2013 | 29  

-6459- Mysterious black substance flew to Tokyo area from Fukushima ten days after first explosion - Since then, they’ve been shrouded in horror - Everyone here looks damaged by radiation (VIDEO)


02:58 PM Aug 29, 2013 | 38  

-6274- TV: Mystery spots on Fukushima cows-[a] ignored by gov’t - Veterinarian: It’s extremely important, Japan has to think of what to do with this problem (VIDEO)


04:44 PM Aug 2, 2013 | 10  

-6103- Highly radioactive ‘mystery objects’ found - Rumored to be pieces of Fukushima reactor buildings - 15 kilometers from nuclear plant (PHOTOS)


12:31 PM Jul 31, 2013 | 29  

-6088- Highly radioactive ‘mystery steam’ and water released in ground, sea, and air from Fukushima plant - TEPCO should prevent contamination escaping - shoddy and inept handling


10:01 AM Jul 13, 2013 | 131  

-6028- Fukushima plant hemorrhaging radioactivity - don’t know where it’s coming from - big mystery is why contamination is coming out now in a hurry (VIDEO)


10:59 AM Jul 11, 2013 | 64  

-6026- Japan kids ingest Fukushima fuel rods? Mystery black substance likely contains concentrated unburned nuclear fuel (VIDEO)


04:30 PM May 21, 2013 | 83  

-5899- Highest levels of Fukushima contamination in plankton east of Hawaii? (MAPS)


-5899.1-  Mysterious die off of young salmon in Pacific Northwest - Healthy… and then they die heading out to sea - Far less plankton than normal - Researchers test for plankton and Fukushima contamination off West Coast (VIDEO) Aug 6, 2014


-5899.2- Gov’t scientists concerned Atlantic Ocean to be contaminated by Fukushima plume now in Pacific - Currents would carry it to U.S. East Coast (PHOTOS) Dec 21, 2013


-5899.3- High concentrations of radiation hit U.S. and Canada - Plume rich in Cesium-137 and close to surface from Vancouver southward - See also Hawaii, Florida (MAPS) Oct 28, 2011


-5899.4- French gov’t map - ‘maximum’ radiation over Hawaii March 21, 2011 - Highest levels anywhere in world, including Fukushima (GRAPHIC) Feb 9, 2014


-5899.5- Forecast: ‘Most’ Fukushima nuclear particles will move east across Pacific - Narrow line of radioactive pollutants to cross ocean this year - Uses decades of data (GRAPHIC) Feb 17, 2014


10:13 AM May 15, 2013 | 32  

-5879- Mystery black substance detected in Japan with extreme radioactivity levels - Over 170,000 CPM (VIDEO)


10:47 PM May 6, 2013 | 29  

-5845- South Carolina, Savannah site: Mystery bacteria at U.S. nuclear site - will be killed before being studied (PHOTO)


02:34 PM Sep 7, 2012 | 67

-4220- Senior Adviser: Mystery bacteria growing on nuclear fuel rods have unknown DNA sequence - trying to figure out what they’re using for food


05:34 AM Sep 1, 2012 | 83

-4166- Mysterious disease killing seals in Atlantic Ocean - Fukushima fallout testing underway by gov’t scientists (AUDIO)


05:02 AM Aug 20, 2012 | 21

-4063- Mystery yellow substance on rooftop near Tokyo has cesium at 177,000 Bq/kg (VIDEO)


07:00 PM Jun 14, 2012 | 34

-3584- Highly radioactive mysterious bacteria around Japan - children touch it, baby strollers nearby - Gov’t claims no immediate effects


12:10 AM Apr 29, 2012 | 29  

-3193- Real mystery black substance not yet measured - possibly 20,000,000 Bq/kg of cesium - more radioactive than local official’s sample - too dangerous and must be analyzed by public institutions (PHOTOS)


03:07 PM Apr 18, 2012 | 59  

-3106- ‘Vomiting road workers hospitalized after exposing mysterious nuclear waste’


10:12 AM Mar 20, 2012 | 84  

-2887- Pieces of highly radioactive mystery black substance cling to magnet (VIDEO)


01:37 PM Mar 7, 2012 | 39  

-2771- Massive amount of mystery black substance found on road in Minamisoma - after several days of rain and snow – emits 50 microSv/hr (PHOTO)


09:47 AM Feb 17, 2012 | 27  

-2626- Original black mystery substance not tested - more radioactive - 95,880 cpm - to 60,000 cpm in beta - (new alpha info)


07:40 AM Feb 16, 2012 | 58  

-2618- Mystery black substance 1,000,000+ Bq/kg of cesium - all over Minami Soma


01:46 PM Jan 5, 2012 | 32  

-2184- Many cases of mysterious illnesses - I hear malformed babies are born


06:20 PM Dec 13, 2011 | 74  

-1992- Famous Japanese women blogging about mysterious bruises (PHOTOS)


Seals, whales, sea lions, otters, birds

07:42 PM Sep 4, 2015 | 1,086

-8706- West Coast animals. Alaska-to-California – whale disoriented; sea lions, seals, otters, birds disoriented, seizures; 30 whales tangle in nets; moose disoriented, swims in circles (PHOTOS & VIDEO)


Extinction-level event – plutonium radionuclides hot spots in Pacific

to kill for hundreds of years

06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 | 631

-8705- West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS) and (VIDEO - whale final gasps on beach)




02:03 PM Mar 7, 2014 | 231

-8073- Fukushima: Plutonium, Uranium-236, Curium discharged into environment in form of fine particles I would say they’re much more an ingestion hazard. And that usually tends to target children and agricultural workers- A child on average consumes between 100 and 200 milligrams of soil a day because of hand-to-mouth activity … something to think about. (PHOTO)

Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications), March 6, 2014: Isotopic compositions of 236U and Pu isotopes in Black Substances collected from roadsides in Fukushima Prefecture: fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident - Black colored road dusts were collected in high radiation areas in Fukushima Prefecture. Measurement of 236U and Pu isotopes and 134,137Cs in samples was performed in order to confirm whether refractory elements such as U and Pu from the fuel core were discharged - concentrations of 134,137Cs in all samples were exceptionally high, ranging from 0.43 to 17.7 MBq/kg, respectively. 239+240Pu was detected at low levels, ranging from 0.18 to 1.14 Bq/kg and with high 238Pu/239+240Pu activity ratios of 1.64 to 2.64. 236U was successfully determined in the range 0.28 to 6.74 x10^-4 Bq/kg. The observed activity ratios for 236U/ 239+240Pu were in reasonable agreement with those calculated for the fuel core inventories, indicating that trace amounts of U from the fuel cores were released together with Pu isotopes, but without large fractionation. The quantities of U and 239+240Pu, emitted to the atmosphere were estimated as 2.3×10^9 Bq (150 g) and 3.9×10^6 Bq (580 mg), respectively. fractionation between volatile and refractory radionuclides associated with the dispersal/deposition processes with distance from the FDNPP was found.

 Environmental Radioactivity Journal, June 2014: Isotopic Pu, Am and Cm signatures in environmental samples contaminated by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident - Dust samples from the sides of roads (black substances) have been collected together with litter and soil samples at more than 100 sites contaminated heavily in the 20-km exclusion zones around Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) (Minamisoma City, and Namie, Futaba and Okuma Towns), in Iitate Village located from 25 to 45 km northwest of the plant and in southern areas from the plant. Isotopes of Pu, Am and Cm have been measured in the samples to evaluate their total releases into the environment When these activity ratios were compared with those for fuel core inventories in the FDNPP accident estimated by a group at JAEA, except 239,240Pu/137Cs activity ratios, fairly good agreements were found, indicating that transuranic nuclides, probably in the forms of fine particles, were released into the environment without their large fractionations.


Japan kids ingest pieces of Fukushima fuel rods? Mystery black substance very likely contains concentrated unburned nuclear fuel (VIDEO)

Marco Kaltofen, President at Boston Chemical Data Corp. & Doctoral student researcher at Worcester Polytechnic Institute: We kept hearing reports about something unusual, a black dust we finally got a very small sample of that

What’s different about this material is unlike a lot of the soil and dust samples we’ve gotten, there’s a real uniformity to this stuff. It’s a single substance. It’s not a mix of mineral particles and pieces of dead bugs and plant matter and dust particles. It’s actually very homogenous and uniform when you look at it under the microscope. And it doesn’t look like the surrounding soils. And it is much more intensely radioactive than any other soil or dust sample we’ve gotten from around Fukushima Daiichi. So this material is different. It’s not a natural soil. There’s something unusual happening with this stuff.

The sample had fairly high levels of radium 226. Now that’s not a radioisotope that we hear as much about. The radium 226 has almost as much activity as the radioactive Cesium in the sample. Radium 226 is a degradation product of uranium and we can’t really detect the uranium directly. And this tells me that this particle contains not only fission waste products from the reactor but very likely contains a concentrated unburned nuclear fuel. And that’s unusual. This sample had by far the highest level of uranium daughters that we’ve seen in a dust or soil sample. We’re actually seeing material that might well have come from inside a failed fuel assembly. Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer: Okay. When I hear that, that’s clear evidence that the containment was breached. The interesting thing to me is that when I hear black, I think of like algae or fungi or something like that. But you’re saying this is not an organic substance. Is that right?

Kaltofen: No. It’s not an organic substance. It’s a mixture of very small particles and just the way they aggregate gives it the appearance of being black, but it’s - it probably - I won’t say optical illusion, but it’s an optical effect of the size of the particles and the way they’re joined together.

Gundersen: Are these particles light enough for people to ingest them or breathe them in?

Kaltofen: Well, certainly they could be ingested - right now I would say they’re much more an ingestion hazard. And that usually tends to target children and agricultural workers. A child on average consumes between 100 and 200 milligrams of soil a day because of hand-to-mouth activity. So that’s something to really think about.



12:34 PM Feb 18, 2014 | 119

-8006- Pacific Northwest: Bizarre cluster of severe birth defects - Officials refuse to say how many new cases in 2013 - county on border of Hanford - most polluted nuclear site in the world (MAP)


-8006.1- New data shows babies missing brains at 2,500% national rate in county by nuclear site - Mother: Officials shut me down the minute I mentioned Hanford! - Experts: No birth defect more extreme; most significant impact of radiation on developing embryos (AUDIO) Nov 30, 2014


-8006.2- Worrisome spike in deadly birth defects around leaking U.S. nuclear site - Officials claim it could be a complete coincidence - No news reports mention it’s by the most contaminated area in Western Hemisphere  Jul 22, 2013


-8006.3- Rapid rise in babies with missing brains and spinal cords sticking out in area surrounding most contaminated nuclear site in U.S. - Mother: Actual number way higher than officials report (VIDEO) Sep 16, 2014


-8006.4 TV: 8 times more babies than usual born without brain near U.S. nuclear site - much higher rate than anywhere else in country - CNN: Experts speak out over failure of officials to conduct proper investigation (VIDEO) Jun 23, 2014


-8006.5- New data shows spike in babies born missing parts of brain around leaking U.S. nuclear site - Official: We’re really concerned it remains so high, we hoped it would go away - NBC: Many locals say Hanford to blame - CDC Expert: Cases not focused near Hanford (VIDEO) Apr 24, 2014


Strontium 90

12:15 PM Feb 12, 2014 | 68

-7083- Massive cracks found at Fukushima plant; 2,100 Bq/liter of strontium-90 detected from snow blanketing area - Asahi: Cracks up to 40 feet in concrete near tanks of radioactive waste


08:57 PM Dec 1, 2012 | 24  -

-4883- NBC: Animals quietly falling sick and dying - near oil & gas drilling - Cows tails dropping off (PHOTO)


In the midst of the domestic energy boom, livestock on farms near oil- and gas-drilling operations nationwide have been quietly falling sick and dying

Earlier this year, Michelle Bamberger, an Ithaca veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, published the first (and, so far, only) peer-reviewed report to suggest a link between fracking and illness in food animals. The authors compiled case studies of twenty-four farmers in six shale-gas states whose livestock experienced neurological, reproductive and acute gastrointestinal problems. Exposed either accidentally or incidentally to fracking chemicals in the water or air, scores of animals have died. The death toll is insignificant when measured against the nation’s livestock population (some 97 million beef cattle go to market each year), but environmental advocates believe these animals constitute an early warning.

In Louisiana, seventeen cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid. (Most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.) In north central Pennsylvania, 140 cattle were exposed to fracking wastewater when an impoundment was breached. Approximately seventy cows died; the remainder produced eleven calves, of which only three survived. In western Pennsylvania, an overflowing waste pit sent fracking chemicals into a pond and a pasture where pregnant cows grazed: half their calves were born dead.

Ever since a heater-treater unit, which separates oil, gas and brine, blew out on a drill pad a half-mile upwind of Jacki Schilke’s North Dakota ranch, her own creek has been clogged with scummy growth, and it regularly burps up methane. No one can tell me what’s going on, she says. But since the blowout, her creek has failed to freeze, despite temperatures of forty below. (Testing found sulfate levels of 4,000 parts per million: the EPA’s health goal for sulfate is 250 parts per million.)

Schilke’s troubles began in the summer of 2010, when a crew working at this site continued to force drilling fluid down a well that had sprung a leak. Soon, Schilke’s cattle were limping, with swollen legs and infections. Cows quit producing milk for their calves; they lost from sixty to eighty pounds in a week; and their tails mysteriously dropped off.


NY Times: Tsunami in Switzerland? 100 foot wave on Lake Tahoe - Recent 30 foot wave in Washington - Dozens of U.S. nuclear reactors sit along lakefronts


09:32 PM Mar 31, 2015 | 504

-8601- Experts: Pacific food web crashing - what’s going on? Where are the fish? Where did they go? - To be honest, it’s insane - You could equate it to a war zone - Food shortage all up & down West Coast - Fishermen believe pollution harming food chain, doubt NOAAs warm water theory (VIDEOS)


Nuclear Power Makes

Global Warming Worse

Arnie Gundersen and Grayson Webb, both of, appeared on CCTV, December 7, 2016, interviewed by Margaret Harrington


08:09 AM Nov 22, 2011 | 34  

-1836- High-profile Fukushima studies ‘edited’ by global warming advocate James Hansen - wrote article: Why America Needs Nuclear Energy


New Mexico St. Univ., Mar 15, 2015 (emphasis added): What’s Killing Baja’s Marine Animals? Dead gray whales and dolphins. Corpses of sea lions, birds and sea turtles decomposing on the beach. Since the beginning of the year, the coasts of Baja California have been the scene of multiple discoveries of dead marine animals. The latest find was reported last week… 55 dead dolphins and 4 sea lions… [The gov't will] probe the reasons for the mysterious deaths. In mid-January… 550 dead sea birds and 4 dead sea lions near San Felipe. Another zone of mystery surrounds the Laguna Ojo de Liebre… where 150 dead, sea turtles were discovered at the end of January. About two weeks earlier, 14 lifeless gray whales (13 babies and 1 adult) and 16 dead, sea turtles were found in the same area… Mexican authorities hypothesized that sea turtles… could be succumbing to hypothermia [and] baby gray whales were dying from lack of nourishment… [They] migrate to Baja California from northern Pacific waters…


AP, Feb. 1, 2015: Cold temperatures are suspected of killing some 150 sea turtles found in a lagoon of Mexico’s Baja California [the] environmental protection agency said [warm waters are blamed for record-setting deaths of California sea lions and West Coast sea birds ]… it would be difficult to determine the exact cause of death… investigators also would try to determine whether some sort of contamination might have played a role. In mid-January, federal inspectors found the bodies of 14 gray whales.


Fox News, Jan 15, 2015: Four sea lions and 550 birds found dead [in] Baja California probably died as a consequence of climate change, Mexico’s Profepa (Environmental Protection Agency) said… Changes in the ocean water temperature are forcing schools of fish to swim deeper


NBC San Diego, Mar 20, 2015: A dead gray whale was found floating in the waters near Torrey Pines State Beach Thursday morning, San Diego Lifeguard officials confirmed. The young whale [was] approximately 15 to 20 feet in length - Reporter: Because it does not look like it had anything to do with humans, they believe that maybe the whale just got sick and died.


California Gray Whale Coalition, Nov. 2014: The coast’s winter whale watching season brings real fear for visiting humpbacks and grey whales encountering radiation hot spots along West Coast waters as they migrate to and from Alaska and Mexico. The central Oregon coast’s whale watching training features more than 100 volunteers at 25 whale-watching sites… this year’s whale-watching volunteers have been trained in the dangers of radiation… there has been a rash of dead humpback whales washing-up along central Oregon…

KION, Jul 3, 2014: A 35-foot-long humpback whale has washed up dead on a Central California beach… cause of death has not been determined. - Reporter: Researchers say the amount of whales found in distress this year is significantly more than in previous years… They usually only get 5 reports of entangled whales in an entire year. This year there have already been 8.

ABC San Francisco, May 22, 2014: Dead Baby Humpback Whale Washes Ashore… They’re actually endangered, said Sue Pemberton with the California Academy of Sciences. So it’s really important, every single one that dies, it’s important to know why - unlocking the mystery of why she died so young, only half the size of a full-grown humpback. Watch broadcasts: NBC San Diego, KION, ABC San Francisco, Press Democrat, Dec 25, 2016


09:04 PM Dec 22, 2013 | 94

-6842- NY Post: Radioactive snow falling on Navy ship caused by Fukushima radioactive steam… Is that aluminum foil I taste? - Sailor: People were defecating on themselves in hallways from excruciating diarrhea - Officer: We saw radiation 300 times ‘safe’ levels (VIDEO)


11:07 AM Feb 14, 2013 | 1

-5341- Fukushima Child: I didn’t know about nuclear disaster until April - Small kids were playing outside, playing with snow (VIDEO)


11:53 AM Feb 9, 2013 | 43

-5311- Nuclear plant shuts down after in-house system loses power - blizzard - NRC: Pilgrim lost off-site power - 3 feet of snow in parts of Boston area (VIDEO)


02:01 PM Jan 23, 2013 | 57

-5195- Washington Post: Nuclear plant produces snow in Pennsylvania - I’ve never seen this particular phenomenon observed before (PHOTO)


09:16 AM Mar 8, 2012 | 52

-2780- A snow that would never melt began falling - Each flake bringing down cesium on city of 300,000 people 60km from meltdowns (VIDEO)


01:07 PM Feb 12, 2012 | 37

-2571- Official: Flakes fell like snow after first Fukushima explosion - like a movie


02:02 PM Jan 20, 2012 | 39

-2329- I-131 detected in Tokyo snow


 Pulsed release - Alaska

seal lesions, deaths

10:40 AM Jan 25, 2014 | 232

-6982- Alaska seal deaths & Fukushima fallout - skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy-- pulsed release … built-up radionuclides free as ice melts - wildlife health implications due to radiation exposure (PHOTOS & MAP)


Global warming/cooling

(climate change)[b]


09:32 PM Mar 31, 2015 | 504

-8601- Pacific food web crashes - what’s going on? Where are the fish? Where did they go? - To be honest, it’s insane - equate it to a war zone - Food shortage all up & down West Coast - Fishermen believe pollution harming food chain, doubt NOAAs warm water theory (VIDEOS)


Nuclear Power Makes

Global Warming Worse

Arnie Gundersen and Grayson Webb, both of, appeared on CCTV, December 7, 2016, interviewed by Margaret Harrington


08:09 AM Nov 22, 2011 | 34  

-1836-  Fukushima studies ‘edited’ by global warming advocate James Hansen - wrote article: Why America Needs Nuclear Energy


Sea lions, turtles 13 baby gray

whales, 55 dolphins, found dead

09:25 AM Apr 3, 2015 | 754

-8603- 13 baby gray whales and 55 dolphins found dead on West Coast - Rash of dead humpback whales in Oregon - corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing - Fear for whales encountering radiation hot spots (VIDEO)


Strontium 90

12:15 PM Feb 12, 2014 | 68

-7083- Massive cracks at Fukushima plant; 2,100 Bq/liter of strontium-90 detected from snow blanketing area - Asahi: Cracks up to 40 feet in concrete near tanks of radioactive waste


11:07 AM Feb 14, 2013 | 1

-5341- Fukushima Child: I didn’t know about nuclear disaster until April - Small kids played outside with snow (VIDEO)


11:53 AM Feb 9, 2013 | 43  

-5311- Nuclear plant shuts down after in-house system loses power due to blizzard - NRC: Pilgrim lost off-site power - 3 feet of snow in parts of Boston area


02:01 PM Jan 23, 2013 | 57

-5195- Washington Post: Nuclear plant produces snow in Pennsylvania - I’ve never seen this particular phenomenon observed before (PHOTO)



08:58 PM Feb 23, 2017 | 43

-8848- Smoke billows from Japan nuclear plant - Possible fire reported near reactors - TEPCO doesn’t identify cause


05:01 PM Feb 25, 2017 | 81

-8849- Officials warn mysterious radioactive cloud spreads - ‘baffled’ over release - leak from nuclear plant?


03:50 PM Feb 10, 2017

-8843- Nuclear plant blast - smoke billows from fire - people sick (VIDEOS)


11:50 AM May 29, 2015 | 247

-8642- Japan volcano erupts without warning - Gov’t issues highest level alert for first time - smell of sulfur; smoke blacks out sky - more expected (VIDEO)


02:14 PM Apr 29, 2015 | 183

-8620- Massive fire dangerously close to Chernobyl plant: Just 3 miles from nuclear waste - Official: Risks are high - Evacuations underway - Experts: Smoke is heavily contaminated… could see dispersion of very significant component of original radiation; Capable of spreading great distances (VIDEO)


10:40 AM Nov 17, 2014 | 75

-8499- U.S. Gov’t: Uranium plant leak warranted emergency classification of ALERT - Worker: Video shows release was out of control… Smoke billowing… They refused to warn community - TV: I’ve lived here 30 years and never seen anything like it… I was shocked - it’s ridiculous… it’s not contained, everybody watched it (VIDEOS)


11:33 PM Oct 30, 2014 | 216

-8482- Video: Purple cloud seen by engineer after Fukushima explosion… I took a photo - Former Prime Minister: Smoke from reactor blast had different color than officials claim; Steel appears to have melted on top of Unit 3; Suggests possible nuclear explosion


06:03 PM Sep 30, 2014 | 648

-8441- Fukushima chief pleads for help from U.S. military: Fires broken out at Reactor 4… We can’t do anything… please - Leader turned pale after seeing flames and black smoke near fuel pool - Worker tries to have last meal before dying and realizes he’s unable to taste food


03:07 PM Sep 11, 2014 | 341

-8414- Secret Fukushima Testimony: Plant chief considered disemboweling himself after explosions… I should kill myself - Smoke seen at No. 3 reactor before blast, figured this was end of plant - At start of crisis I was in despair… panicking… could not afford to logically think


09:27 AM Feb 6, 2014 | 181

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) - NM

-7059- Imminent situation at U.S. nuclear site - Emergency operations center evacuated due to fire deep underground- One of most serious incidents on record since the plant opened in 1999 - Anonymous footage of thick black smoke coming from ground (VIDEO) These events could potentially harm people, our workers as well as it gives us a bad reputation because we appear to have made a mistake - inhalation is primary hazard with radioactive materials of this nature.


11:57 AM Aug 15, 2013 | 8  

-6188- Series of chemical explosions rock hazardous waste plant by Florida border - Radioactive waste mentioned on company’s acceptance form - FBI responds to blast - Plumes of smoke and flames over 100 feet high (VIDEO)


  1. St. Louis Cty, Missouri Bridgeton fire, West Lake nuclear landfill

04:07 PM Aug 13, 2013 | 31  

-6177-  Warning from Fire Commander - Landfill fire near nuclear waste could threaten entire St. Louis region with radioactive smoke - Potential for tragedy


08:01 AM Jul 28, 2013 | 166  

-6077- Emergency declared at U.S. nuclear plant: Fire shuts down reactor - Reports of black smoke - Company says no release of radioactivity above normal


05:17 PM Jun 7, 2013 | 25  

-5938- France, Cattenom: Fire breaks out at nuclear reactor - plumes of black smoke (PHOTO)


11:08 AM May 3, 2013 | 12  

-5828- Photo: Smoke coming from nuclear plant - Reactor shut down - Smoldering lagging on a turbine


12:32 PM Apr 21, 2013 | 55  

-5775- Fire at nuclear power plant triggers emergency response - noise and smoke comes from site (PHOTO)


05:03 PM Mar 22, 2013 | 10  

-5634- FOIA Expert: difficult trying to get info from NRC - Smoke and mirrors - Pump and dump (AUDIO)


12:22 PM Mar 9, 2013 | 40  

-5520- Fukushima Workers: Smoke was pouring out of Unit 1 before tsunami hit - No doubt quake crippled reactors - Could torpedo Japan’s attempts to restart nuclear plants (VIDEO)


Fog, Dust

03:16 PM Mar 21, 2013 | 19  

-5624- Radioactive dust in Tokyo after fog - 4,000 Bq/kg of cesium


-5624.1- Tokyo indoor dust contaminated with cesium at 1,730 Bq/kg -- dust with Fukushima fallout is source of human exposure (VIDEO)




12:56 AM Jan 7, 2014 | 430  

-6891- Nuclear Chemistry Expert: Steam at Fukushima reactor could be from corium burning through containment into groundwater


12:31 PM Jul 31, 2013 | 29  

-6088- Highly radioactive ‘mystery steam’ and water released in ground, sea, and air from Fukushima plant - TEPCO should prevent contamination escaping - shoddy and inept handling


09:04 PM Dec 22, 2013 | 94  

-6842- Radioactive snow falls on Navy ship caused by Fukushima radioactive steam… Is that aluminum foil I taste? – Sailors were defecating on themselves in hallways from excruciating diarrhea - Officer: We saw radiation 300 times ‘safe’ levels (VIDEO)


-6948--8449-Photo captures moment containment vessel destroyed at Fukushima - Workers: White steam coming from reactor! Radiation spikes in central Tokyo! – U.S. Nuclear Official: Fukushima was nuclear power’s finest hour - everything worked as engineered (VIDEO) Oct 3, 2014


-6887- Fukushima: Radioactivity release going on 3 years now on massive scale; visible steam tip of iceberg - containment vessels ‘broken’ (VIDEOS)


04:21 PM Jan 1, 2014 | 242  

-6875- Gundersen: Visible steam at Fukushima Unit 3 is from constant radioactive releases - from hot rubble, not from new explosion


Russians at it again

I read published abstracts of scientific research studies, written by Chernobyl scientists, and learned exposure to radionuclides causes bacteria and viruses to mutate, causing new and mysterious diseases.[1]

It took you less than ten seconds to read the previous sentence …now, you know more than all the apologist bad science perps will ever admit.[c]

[ Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.[2]]

Here is an excerpt from Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Chapter 11. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota, by Alexey V. Yablokov:

[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. … … …

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.


Mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sea anemones mass die-off

11:24 AM Feb 10, 2016 | 668

-8773- Fukushima: Intertidal biota[a] by power plant - mass die off and reproductive failure of sessile species; sessile refers to organisms anchored, for example to rocks and piers, mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sponges, sea anemones, fan worms, chitons, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, echinoderms


Seals & sea lions at risk

11:19 AM Jan 7, 2016 | 342

-8758- West Coast - 200,000 sea lions at risk; sick animals eating themselves from the inside - cancer includes liver, pancreas; intestines shut down; infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics; numbers of dead or starving seals wash ashore (VIDEO)


07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 | 98

-8809- Dead animals litter California beaches - graveyard of washed-up sea life - malnourished sea creatures - starving to death - Covered in sores - stunted growth - Weak immune systems (PHOTO-[a] & VIDEOS)


This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in virtually all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.


Mainstream science, the nuclear energy industry and their apologists remain dumbfounded and swear on the bible there is more danger from natural radiation in eating bananas or potato chips or taking a walk in the park than eating or breathing in manmade ionizing fallout …from Fukushima or daily nuclear energy industry legal discharges, or accidents like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.


As you read, your eyes will pop open and your heart will break. After you do the body count, you’ll wish the perps and their apologists would be gotten even with. Journalists in Japan, can’t use words, like, ‘meltdown’ without risking violating Japan’s State Secrets Act, being fired and risking jail time.


07:51 AM Jun 15, 2011 | 43  

-739- Japanese media blackout of words: MOX, plutonium, and meltdown


07:03 AM Apr 25, 2014 | 138

-8196- Untold story of Fukushima is the radiation issue, Gov’t doesn’t want us talking about it; A lot going on that’s never reported by media - Afraid of being imprisoned under Japans new secrecy law; All officials have to do is say the info is secret (AUDIO)


12:38 PM Jan 7, 2014 | 426  

-6892- Secrecy agreement between Fukushima and IAEA revealed by Tokyo newspaper - IAEA hid health effects in Chernobyl - same thing could happen to Fukushima


10:11 AM Dec 4, 2013 | 110  

-6774- Protesting secrecy law is act of terrorism - Japan gov’t promotes idea you’re like a racist if avoiding Fukushima produce - Bloomberg: Process echoes George Orwell - Nuclear activists to be constantly spied on?


-6774.1- State secrets bill meant to suppress Fukushima news -- Japan public stunned as citizens could face years in prison -- toxic leaks into ocean seem unstoppable, gov't must plug the information instead (PHOTO)


06:24 PM Nov 26, 2013 | 207  

-6746- Japan’s secrecy law passes lower house - Prison for ‘inappropriate reporting’ - on path to fascist state - fear Fukushima cover-ups to worsen


12:02 PM Nov 8, 2011 | 34  

-1735- People fed up with the shroud of secrecy in Fukushima - Starting to smuggle in journalists - Must rely on media for help


07:58 AM Nov 16, 2011 | 68  

-1803- Fukushima Diary: I’m under their surveillance… I can’t post everything I know - Next day writes 4 men interrogated me


01:52 PM Sep 27, 2014 | 351

-8438- Fukushima Worker: All sorts of troubles going on in plant; Officials won’t tell public what really happens - People should worry, it’s not under control - Employees wear disguises over fear of retaliation - Reporter: Tour of plant was very strange… feels dead… not many people (VIDEO)



Sea lion

species extinction?


Review of the literature

Exhibit No. 6

-8408- Calif sea lions die as organs fall out of place, tumors, puss in bodies (PHOTOS) Marine mammal deaths reported by Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, Calif) since June 2014 (domoic acid-related deaths excluded):

(12) Abscess: Pus in body tissue

(1) Carcinoma: Cancer begins when altered or damaged DNA occurs so cells transform, exhibit abnormal malignant properties.

(1) Cardiomyopathy: Heart muscle disease – deterioration, leads to heart failure

(1) Coccidioidomycosis: Fungal disease - complications w/weakened immune system

(2) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Blood clots [that can] lead to multiple organ damage - clotting disrupted - severe bleeding

(7) Neoplasia: malignant tumor, a cancer

(6) Otostrongylus: Lungworms in lungs or heart of seals

(3) Peritonitis: Inflammation of tissue lining inner abdomen wall - may result from infection (often due to hollow organ rupture

(4) Pneumonia: Inflammatory lung condition

(6) Prolapse: organs: uterus, fall or slip out of place - protrude through vagina or rectum

(3) Pyothorax: Accumulation of pus in pleural cavity

(2) Renal Failure: Kidneys fail to filter waste products from blood

(5) Septicemia: Potentially fatal whole-body inflammation caused by severe infection


Editor’s note: Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.]

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation.

The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions.

This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy.

The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.


Exhibit No. 6 (continued)

-8408.1- San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions - green - yellow puss all over their body (Pics & Vids) 4/20/14


-8408.2- Feds declare Unusual Mortality Event in So. California - 70% of newborn sea lions may die - Testing for toxins, infectious agents (Video) Mar 28, 2013


-8408.3- Record numbers of seals and sea lions ‘starve to death’ on California coast - nonstop calls - wash ashore - May 4, 2014


-8408.4- Record sick, injured Calif seals, sea lions - pups should weigh 2x, 3x more, severe malnourishment (VIDEO) Apr 18, 2014


-8408.5- Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals on California coast - huge numbers, annual record broken in 7 months - starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures - Sea lions ‘mysteriously’ vanishing on other side of Pacific (VIDEO) 8/3/14


06:07 PM Aug 25, 2015 | 544

-8701.C So. Calif coast: Fukushima nuclear waste detected - highest levels in North America since testing program began - 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium near beach between L.A. and San Diego (VIDEO, MAP)


Radiological induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans [mammals] can increase susceptibility to Infections,

inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin:

influenza; chronic intestinal diseases; pyelonephritis;

cystitis; vaginitis; endocolitis; asthma; dermatitis; ischemia;

pathologies of pregnancy.




  1. Cry, baby

Preface, Part 2

The problem with tackling a subject of this magnitude is any one of the 9,000 news stories I read about Fukushima Dai-Ichi and the nuclear energy industry is weighty enough for a book of its own. I have looked at recurring themes from 2011-to-2017 which made me cry, and selected those to include …and, those that made me feel fury, and lust for revenge.

If you start feeling that way, I’ve won and the nuclear energy industry has lost. Someone has to drive the wooden stake through the vampire’s heart …and, it might as well be you.


Déjà vu

In March of 2017, for the sixth year running, from Alaska to Mexico sea creatures are dying in near extinction levels. They are riddled with disease and starving; seabirds, sea lions, salmon, abalone, star fish, herring, tuna, dolphins, whales, turtles, seals, urchins and too many more in large die-offs dead and dying submerged and floating beneath the surface of the sea, on the surface, and thrown up squirming and rotting upon our shores. Dead birds wash ashore en masse, Cassin’s Auklets, Murres, pelicans.


01:49 PM Jan 12, 2017

-8831- Massive die-off of sea creatures from California to Alaska - Animals starve as food chains collapse - Mass starvation events plague West Coast - “Felt like I was doing nothing but counting dead animals” (VIDEO)


15,000 baby sea lions die

03:15 PM Feb 15, 2015 | 176

-8566- California: 15,000 baby sea lions die - can kill a generation (VIDEO)


04:21 PM Mar 4, 2015 | 356

-8582- Gov’t: it’s getting even worse on West Coast this year - Experts say over 35,000 baby sea lions could be dead; Phenomenon unprecedented in scale - Hundreds of times more pups than usual at rescue center - Doctor: Definitely indicates ocean not normal - we should be worried (AUDIO)


09:10 AM Jan 16, 2014 | 83  

-6927- NPR Affiliate: Fukushima cesium detected in Alaska salmon sample - Radioactive plume already reaches West Coast - Concerned fishermen forced to pay for tests since officials not doing it - people don’t trust gov’t… they don’t trust corporations (AUDIO)


09:10 PM Jan 15, 2014 | 317  

-6926- Fukushima radiation on West Coast of N. America - Levels to rise for years - unprecedented event for Pacific, largest ever radioactive release into ocean (VIDEO)


Dolphin deaths linked

to radionuclides

10:08 AM Apr 15, 2015 | 263

-8611- Never seen before - white lungs found in dolphins that died during mass stranding near Fukushima - Interruption of blood supply leading to death of tissue - Disease linked to radiation exposure


07:45 PM Nov 30, 2013 | 27  

-6760- Massive amount of debris off Hawaii, You had to be there -just kept going & going - so odd it was in straight line - accumulated off islands, warns of fish contamination - Rare dolphin washes up with heart problems & stomach lumps, last examined in 1980s


-6568.2- 150 dolphins wash ashore at multiple locations - 50 miles from Fukushima border - Could be largest mass stranding reported in nation’s history - Gov’t: Dolphins may have had psychological problems. We don’t see any immediate signs of cancer (VIDEO) Apr 11, 2015


Whales in record numbers

display unusual behavior

11:51 PM Dec 21, 2013 | 100  

-6839- Unprecedented activity near Canada West Coast: Whales in record numbers, displaying highly unusual behavior - Problems in Pacific could be bringing sea life to area; something amiss out there


11:14 PM Nov 30, 2013 | 36  

-6761- Whale Expert near Vancouver: In 30 years never ever seen this behavior, they must sense this is a safe place to be - Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific - one even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO)


04:22 PM Nov 30, 2013 | 217  

-6759- 100s of whales in California coastal bay; what’s going on (VIDEO)


11:19 PM Nov 29, 2013 | 125  

-6758- Leading edge of Fukushima plume now on West Coast - Fish Market Owner: My customers have a lot of concerns about the nuclear contamination (AUDIO)


09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 | 297

Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds - stranded, seizures, washing up dead


-8398- Surge in marine mammal strandings on U.S. West Coast - biggest fear is if this is everywhere along coast - whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds washing up in large numbers - thousands likely dead - violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)


Whales, dolphins - no food,

swam in radiation

12:39 PM Aug 30, 2014 | 179

-8397- California - no food along Pacific but in isolated areas - Fukushima stresses sea life - dolphins, whales swam in radiation (VIDEO)


09:55 AM Aug 29, 2014 | 138

-8395- Officials reveal about 2 Trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material flowed into ocean every month during 2013 - deadly strontium releases double cesium - Strontium gets into your bones… changes equation (VIDEO)


07:56 AM Aug 28, 2014 | 310

-8394- Strontium-90 from Fukushima along west coast of N. America – Plutonium - might be in plume – need more monitoring - no sign radioactive releases from plant are going to stop


10:29 AM Oct 19, 2013 | 146  

-6568- Sailor: After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead - Nothing alive for over 3,000 miles - no longer saw turtles, dolphins, sharks, birds - saw one whale, it appeared helpless with big tumor on head


-6568.1- Similar reports about wildlife around the Pacific Rim, include: sardines --- seals --- sea lions --- polar bears --- sea stars --- turtles --- salmon --- herring --- coral and more.


-6568.2- 150 dolphins wash ashore - 50 miles from Fukushima - largest mass stranding reported in nation’s history? - Gov’t Expert: Dolphins may have had psychological problems; don’t see signs of cancer (VIDEO) Apr 11, 2015


Sea lions, turtles 13 baby gray

whales, 55 dolphins, found dead

09:25 AM Apr 3, 2015 | 754

-8603- 13 baby gray whales & 55 dolphins dead on West Coast - dead humpback whales in Oregon - corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing - Fear for whales encountering radiation hot spots - volunteers trained about dangers of radiation (VIDEO)


Hundreds of sea

turtles wash up dead

11:27 AM Nov 12, 2013 | 160  

-6680- Hundreds of sea turtles wash up dead on Pacific coast - dogs stop breathing and die almost instantly when eating them - reproductive problems


Eastern Pacific Green Sea Turtles

01:07 AM Nov 7, 2013 | 29  

-6659- Fishermen report boats surrounded by hundreds of dead Eastern Pacific green sea turtles - some found swimming in circles as if dazed or confused

NOAA: Because of the highly migratory behavior of adult turtles, and the likelihood of shifting habitat requirements of post-hatchlings and juveniles, the populations of East Pacific green turtles in the Pacific Ocean cross international boundaries. The west coasts of Central America, Mexico and the United States constitute a shared habitat for East Pacific green turtles. The East Pacific green is the second-most sighted turtle in the east Pacific during tuna fishing cruises Along the Pacific coast of America, East Pacific green turtles have been reported as far north as British Columbia Adult and juvenile green/East Pacific green turtles have also been reported along the Washington coastline the East Pacific green turtle was the most commonly observed hard-shelled sea turtle on the U.S. Pacific coast.


Sick seals & sea lions - green

& yellow puss on body

04:49 PM Apr 20, 2014 | 113

-8182- CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions - large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body - (PHOTO & VIDEOS)


03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015 | 517

Baby Elephant seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder


-8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)


-8702.1- Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.


-8702.2- California sea lions dying, organs falling out of place, tumors, a pus inside bodies (PHOTO)


12:16 AM Sep 15, 2015 | 228

-8711- Vast amount of dead birds in Pacific off U.S. coast, nothing will eat the bodies - no seals present - fish gone… all of them are starving - Animals acting weird, sick and weak, too weak to fly, too weak to run - Resident: We want to know if it’s from Fukushima (VIDEO)


09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016 | 734

-8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty; hundreds of thousands at risk (VIDEO)


Mothers and baby

Orca whales dying

Young orcas whales are dead and dying near Vancouver and their pods are decimated or gone.[d] Apologists say, there’s not enough Chinook salmon and Coho chum salmon for them, ‘which is basically all they will eat’[e], that disappearing food sources are the reason for the population decline. A zoologist says one of the mother orcas died in the prime of her life; mothers and their babies are dying.[f]

Common error attributes only slow starvation of each species, rather than death of the food chain, itself. The elephant in the room trumpets at me, ‘Fukushima fallout’ is destroying the food chains in the Pacific Ocean and around the Pacific Rim. Help us. Please. Help us.


Dismembered sea stars, no clams

Dismembered and dissolving, living sea stars litter the beaches of Kachemak Bay; Alaska; twenty-to-thirty thousand starved murres wash ashore in southwest and south central Alaskan beaches. Whales and otters wash ashore, dead and rotting.

No clams on Ninilchik beach again this year to dig up, not a young clam to be found. Sunflower Stars disappear, then all Star species, (and populations greatly diminish in Oregon and California).[g] Another year of empty nesting colonies of murres, tens of thousands have died of starvation, again this year. Remaining murres abandon nesting colonies; they know; do not raise chicks.[h]


Murres, puffins, kittiwakes, gulls, shear-waters, whales, pinniped, sea otter, fish - dead on NW & West Coast beaches

03:00 PM Jan 13, 2016 | 410

-8761- Pacific Rim West-/Northwest coast … Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, California: Dead birds on beaches; also, reproductive failure, thick-billed murres, black-legged kittiwakes, horned and tufted puffins, glaucous-winged gulls, and sooty and short-tailed shearwaters; concurrent with whale, pinniped, sea otter, and fish mortalities (VIDEOS)


09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016 | 734

-8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty; hundreds of thousands at risk (VIDEO)


02:28 PM Dec 12, 2013 | 88  

-6804- Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history - Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time - Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore - ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness: Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead (AUDIO)


08:36 PM Apr 29, 2015 | 395

Animals sick, starving, too weak to swim, hemorrhaging, whales wash ashore


-8621- Whale deaths in California under investigation - whales washing ashore - animals sick, starving, emaciated, too weak to swim, hemorrhaging (VIDEO)


Extinction-level event – plutonium radionuclides hot spots in Pacific

to kill for hundreds of years

06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 | 631

-8705- West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS) and (VIDEO - whale final gasps on beach)

(above: animated gif of a whale on the seashore breathing its last breaths as it fights for life after being poisoned by Fukushima plutonium in the Pacific).


Internet comments!

Preface, Part 3


God save the internet

comments to online stories


Orcas on top of food chain starve to death; not one scientist comes forward to blaming Fukushima

Vital1: All embryonic sea life is hypersensitive to radioactive pollution, so the entire North Pacific food chain is collapsing. This view is sported by Dr. Sternglass in his research paper:[i] nuclear contamination from the nuclear bomb testing era caused a significant crash in Pacific Ocean fish stocks.[j]


If that’s the case, it’s logical to assume Fukushima nuclear fallout is having a similar effect.

Like the human embryo, embryonic sea life including fish eggs, are hypersensitive to radioactive contamination, hence the large number of reports of seals, whales and birds washing up on the west coast of North America, starving to death.

Sternglass says, “The purpose of the study was to determine whether continued atmospheric testing by France and China or potential releases from underground detonations that might unexpectedly escape into the nearby fishing grounds could have detectable effects on the reproduction of fish populations similar to the unanticipatedly severe effects of low level radiation on the human embryo and fetus, (2, 3, 4) recently confirmed by independent studies by other investigators. (5, 6) [k]


CodeShutdown: If you correlate the Sternglass paper with the amount of fallout from, then we have enough radioactive poison to kill the ocean’s fisheries hundreds of times over.[l]


10:47 AM Oct 27, 2011 | 13  

-1623- French Gov’t: Fukushima to make Pacific twice as radioactive as after atmospheric nuclear testing in ’60s - releases could persist


05:45 PM Sep 23, 2013 | 37

-6431- Fukushima atmospheric release of 210 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 - upper bound in simulation - Chernobyl estimated 70-85 quadrillion


02:32 AM Mar 13, 2013 | 43

-5554--8228.2- Japan Professor: I believe airborne release of cesium-137 from Fukushima equals 400 to 500 Hiroshima nuclear bombs - Another 400 to 500 bombs worth has already flowed into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)


01:49 PM Jan 12, 2017

-8831- Massive die-off of sea creatures from California to Alaska - Animals starve as food chains collapse - Mass starvation events plague West Coast (VIDEO)


Collapse of Pacific Ocean life caused by climate change or nuclear fallout?

CodeShutdown: Is collapse of the Pacific caused by climate change or nuclear fallout? The chitin in plankton absorbs radiation like a sponge. This concentrates nuke fallout up to 10,000 times. The plankton die, bringing the radiation with them to the bottom and the tiny fish that feed on the missing plankton starve. The result: scientists don’t measure much radiation in the water, and larger fish that feed on smaller fish that feed on plankton, starve. This ripples up the food chain.

Orcas at the top of the food chain are starving to death and not one scientist comes forward to mention Fukushima as a cause.

A salmon’s diet: juvenile salmon eat zooplankton, and larval and adult invertebrates. In the ocean, salmon eat smaller fish, such as herring, pelagic amphipods and krill. The populations of which, have crashed.


Plankton & food chains


Salmon – plankton

02:54 PM Aug 6, 2014 | 139

-8355- Pacific Northwest: die off of young salmon; healthy then die heading out to sea; far less plankton than normal; testing for Fukushima radionuclides (VIDEO)


04:30 PM May 21, 2013 | 83  

-5899- Highest levels of Fukushima contamination in plankton east of Hawaii? (MAPS)


07:35 AM Mar 18, 2012 | 9  

-2873- Cesium-134 detected in plankton 600km from Fukushima just 3 months after meltdowns - Scientists say necessary to look at bioaccumulation


07:53 PM Oct 15, 2011 | 53  

-1546- Radioactive plankton heavily contaminated - Food chain fears - Continuously carried southward from Fukushima


06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 | 631

-8705- West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS) and (VIDEO - whale final gasps on beach)


VOA, Sep 1, 2015: While President Barack Obama is in Alaska, he might have this question: Why have 30 dead whales washed ashore… [NOAA's] Fauquier said extreme mortality event complicated… Fauquier noted that in the ocean, toxins move up the food chain. Some of the whales actually filter the phytoplankton and the zooplankton… they get the toxins through that method…. as you go higher up the food web, more toxin gets concentrated.… NOAA hopes to explain why the whales died and why they perished in such great numbers.


07:59 AM Jan 14, 2012 | 87  

-2263- Gov’ts refuse to provide funds to research Fukushima effects - Virtually zero monitoring

Fisher and other scientists secured funds from a private foundation for a research voyage in the Pacific to gather radiation data on fish, plankton and water. Nicholas Fisher, a marine sciences professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook is researching how radiation from Fukushima is affecting the Pacific fishery. There has been virtually zero monitoring and research on this, he said, calling on other governments to do more radiation tests on the ocean’s marine life. In the U.S., it’s difficult to acquire funding to do that work. A lot of people are very frustrated.


11:45 AM Jan 10, 2017

-8830- Fukushima radiation contaminates West Coast fish - Fears the country’s food chain is polluted… a terrifying discovery — Scientist: It appears plume has spread throughout vast area from Alaska to California — CBS: Bulk of radiation has yet to make it’s way across Pacific (VIDEO)


10:13 PM Aug 23, 2013 | 41  

-6243- Gundersen: Ocean contaminated from deluge of Fukushima toxic water – I will stop eating fish from west coast - Cesium at 1,000% normal levels in middle of Pacific


09:56 AM Aug 19, 2013 | 39  

-6207- Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada’s Pacific coast - We think something happened in the ocean - The elders have never seen anything like this at all - Alaska and Russia affected (MAP)


-6207.1- Gundersen: We will see top of the food chain animals like tuna and salmon that bioaccumulate. The FDA is not monitoring fish entering the United States. By 2013 we might see contamination of the water and the top of the food chain fishes on the West Coast.


-6207.2- Gundersen: Federal and state agencies are not measuring this - been trying to get people in Oregon and Alaska to demand their state: check salmon, it is not difficult.


07:30 PM Aug 23, 2013 | 29

-6242- Fukushima melted fuel drifts in ocean and onto land, lacks any containment - ends up on coastline and blows into communities - People get an exceptional dose - health harm to go on for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years (AUDIO)


01:49 PM Jan 12, 2017

-8831- Massive die-off of sea creatures from California to Alaska - Animals starve as food chains collapse - Mass starvation events plague West Coast - “Felt like I was doing nothing but counting dead animals” (VIDEO)


09:32 PM Mar 31, 2015 | 504

-8601- Experts: Pacific food web crashing - what’s going on? Where are the fish? Where did they go? - To be honest, it’s insane - You could equate it to a war zone - Food shortage all up & down West Coast - Fishermen believe pollution harming food chain, doubt NOAAs warm water theory (VIDEOS)


10:02 AM Sep 18, 2014 | 139

-8426- Fukushima fallout threat to survival of baby birds - Immediate impacts on marine wildlife - More damage to come - radioactive material biomagnifies in food chain


09:45 PM Sep 14, 2014 | 78

-8420- Plutonium contamination of Pacific Ocean food chain from Fukushima suspected; potential long term problems for humans - Newspaper: Leakage of highly contaminated water into sea must be dealt with immediately - Gov’t: Effect on health of U.S. public not significant (VIDEO)


03:44 PM Aug 4, 2014 | 104

-8350- Fukushima globally enhanced cesium-137 levels in air by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude - radionuclide plume reaching Europe contaminates land and food chain


12:11 AM Jun 3, 2014 | 249

-8263- Strontium reaches 500 Billion Bq/m³ in basements at Fukushima - Record levels reported at 5 locations near ocean - U.S. Senior Scientist: We see strontium becoming more of concern - food chain will have to be studied more carefully


Ocean food chain contaminated

04:18 PM Feb 4, 2014 | 54

-7053- Months of uncontrolled radioactive releases from Fukushima a problem for Pacific, radionuclides building up in food chain - Health threat to Americans not likely if leaks ended soon after 3/11 (VIDEO)


08:32 AM Jan 23, 2014 | 95

-6960- Significant amount of radioactive seawater to hit Southern California? Expected on beaches in near future - Fukushima contamination may be pervasive across food chain (AUDIO)


-6903- ABC in Fukushima: Radiation to be at U.S. coast early this year - effects on food chain from unprecedented amount of migrating radioactivity? - They tried to stop leaks, it’s just not working - TEPCO: We don’t know what’s gone into ocean (VIDEO)


08:21 PM Jan 9, 2014 | 152  

-6902-Gundersen: I’m not eating Pacific Ocean fish - Bio-accumulation of Fukushima nuclear - effects of lower-level radiation worse than predicted (VIDEO)


05:59 PM Jan 9, 2014 | 337  

-6901- Pacific Wasteland? Japan Gov’t Scientist: ‘Big problem’ for whole ocean if Fukushima water release has strontium-90 - TV: It may not get filtered out; All bets are off without way to plug plant leaks - NHK: All decontamination systems stop working, may not restart for long time (VIDEO)


09:15 AM Jan 8, 2014 | 435  

-6896- Pacific ecosystem collapsed since Fukushima - Plutonium and uranium spread thru food chain? (VIDEO)


12:20 AM Jan 8, 2014 | 177  

-6895- Hot spots at 1,400% baseline radiation levels on San Francisco-area coast - State: naturally occurring materials not radioactivity associated with Fukushima - Expert: Don’t let babies or kids inhale or eat the sand


05:06 PM Jan 7, 2014 | 214  

-6894- Dead Conjoined Baby Gray Whales found on West Coast of N. America - Could be first ever recorded - 2 heads and 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS & VIDEO)


03:05 PM Jan 7, 2014 | 193  

-6893- Health officials investigate radiation levels on coast near San Francisco after finding high readings - UC Berkeley Professor: no correlation with nuclear disaster; compares eating banana to drinking water from Fukushima plant (VIDEO)


02:31 PM Dec 27, 2013 | 112  

-6854- Fission products are flushed into environment by water used on Fukushima molten fuel, including plutonium and curium - radioactivity to recirculate for many generations in ocean food chain, meat content to increase with time


09:12 AM Dec 27, 2013 | 148  

-6852- Concern over Plutonium and Uranium deposit and re-concentrate far away - Isotopes transfer to land via sea spray, aerosols, flooding - human exposure by inhalation, food, contact-[a]-[a]


09:50 AM Dec 23, 2013 | 69  

-6844- Expect enormous amount of cancer around Pacific - all at risk, radiated water to hit right in U.S. - we’re at top of food chain - we get highest radiation dose - 35 people now suffering cancer after U.S. rescue mission off Fukushima (VIDEO)


11:21 AM Dec 16, 2013 | 79  

-6814- Releasing Fukushima radioactive water into Pacific ‘inevitable’ - Japan very aware of danger posed by past releases; Contaminants concentrated thousands of times in food chain; at end of chain are humans who may suffer genetic damage, cancer, other health problems and death


11:15 PM Oct 6, 2013 | 20  

-6504- Concern over small quake triggering another crisis at Fukushima - ‘Silly’ for gov’t to claim leakage contained - questions if food chain is contaminated far from plant


11:45 PM Aug 22, 2013 | 18  

-6233- Canadian University Scientist: Test seafood for Fukushima contamination - continuous inputs for 2 years - opportunity for re-concentrating up food chain - not enough being done on this side of Pacific


08:40 PM Aug 12, 2013 | 67  

-6170- Enormous amount of contamination flowing from Fukushima will probably imperil entire Pacific Ocean - Threatens other countries, food chain - Absolutely can reach U.S. and Canadian shores (VIDEO)


01:39 PM Aug 11, 2013 | 242  

-6162- People of Japan are responsible for poisoning of world’s food chain due to Fukushima catastrophe - They have to stand up and take action - the buck has to stop somewhere (VIDEO)


10:10 PM Jul 22, 2013 | 70  

-6055- ‘Fear marine life poisoned’ by nuclear material flowing from Fukushima - food chain contamination warnings - TEPCO flip



12:11 PM Apr 29, 2013 | 29  

-5807- Hazardous material leaks would contaminate food chain for hundreds of years if reaches Columbia River (VIDEO)


11:12 AM Apr 29, 2013 | 56  

-5806- Humans to be affected by what’s killing California sea lions? (VIDEO)



10:05 AM Apr 29, 2013 | 12  

-5805- U.S. nuclear worker cries over leaking waste - ready to sell everything and move to woods (VIDEO)


02:33 PM Jul 15, 2012 | 41

-3794- World food chain compromised by Fukushima Daiichi radionuclides? Levels high in Bluefin tuna (AUDIO)


05:28 PM Aug 23, 2013 | 88  

-6241- New Scientist: Dump Fukushima nuclear waste in Pacific, no risk to U.S. - have to make people understand low levels of radiation don’t matter - None of this is going to do anything health wise.


The Life Force is under attack as never before. Feel it?


Preface, Part 4

Your understanding or lack of understanding is the most pressing issue of our Time, and Life everlasting.

You have within you the seed of a new understanding empowering you to be active, rather than reactive, and to discern then undo nuclear energy industry death machination[m].


The bottom line is hidden in the air you breathe, in your vacuum-, car-, ac- and air filters, and lungs and in the water, tap water and bottled water from the store, drinking water …and, in the radioactive urine you may dispel.

The bottom line is hidden in the food you grow, buy in supermarkets and restaurants, and eat; hidden in your bloodstream and throughout your body and DNA, passed to your unborn kids and mutates them before they are born or they experience death, before birth.

“In Seattle we had a two week period where we actually had 4-5 hot particles of radioactive material that was trapped by our quantitative filters in the amount of air that people would breathe in a day.”


05:57 PM Nov 18, 2011 | 67  

-1832- Air Filter Friday: Radioactivity at 300% of normal background in Los Angeles-area dust - 350 CPM in St. Louis-area Ionic Breeze (VIDEOS)


09:24 AM Nov 9, 2011 | 15  

-1739- Kansas air filters had Iodine-131 above highest levels detected in California by UC Berkeley-[a]


Measurements of Fission Products from the Fukushima Daiichi Incident in San Francisco Bay Area Air Filters, Automobile Filters, Rainwater, and Food, Dec. 27, 2013: A variety of environmental media were analyzed for fallout radionuclides from the Fukushima nuclear event. Winter forage vegetation at the California dairy farm had combined cesium 134 + 137 equaling 0.299 pCi/gram or 299 pCi/kg.

Cesium-134 levels would be higher than reported due to the 9 months of radioactive decay that took place before testing occurred (37.5% into its 2-year half-life).


09:31 PM Jul 7, 2012 | 55

-3740- Just tested an air filter w/highest radioactivity in N. America after Fukushima Daiichi - in Seattle HEPA filter used since 3/11 (VIDEO)


07:10 PM Sep 23, 2012 | 26

-4343- Gundersen: Airplane air filters return to Australia with Fukushima radioactivity mths after 3/11 (VIDEO)


11:31 AM May 6, 2014 | 287

-8218- Fukushima nuclear fuel fragments found in Europe - 10,000+ km from reactors - plume first passed thru N. America - hot particles significant part of radioactive release - spread over hemisphere - core material on Norway air filter (PHOTO)


12:54 PM Dec 11, 2011 | 112  

-1968- University annoyed - Air filter from Japan so radioactive, must be buried at radioactive waste disposal site in U.S. (VIDEO)


05:40 PM Dec 9, 2011 | 10  

-1955- Researcher: Indoor air filter just north of Tokyo contaminated with 230 picocuries/ft² during September - We’re finding radiation increasing in food chain (VIDEO)


01:38 PM Mar 6, 2014 | 152

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) - NM

-8066- WIPP: story doesn’t add up - accident unbelievable - tests show high level release underground contains things more radioactive than high-level waste (VIDEO)


-8066.1- Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring & Research Ctr., Mar. 5, 2014: Station A (pre-HEPA) morning after event (2/15/14) high levels - 1,365 Bq/m3 Americium (241Am) & 672 Bq/m3 Plutonium (239+240Pu). 24 hours after event, filter shows lower levels - 130 Bq/m3 of 241Am and 17 Bq/m3 of 239+240Pu. Station B (post-HEPA) afternoon Tues (2/18/14 analysis 1.81 Bq/m3 of 241Am & 0.224 Bq/m3 of 239+240Pu.


11:56 AM Apr 25, 2014 | 128

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) - NM

-8197- WIPP Report: Emergency personnel needed for reddish-brown vapors observed after unplanned, excessive exothermic reaction - Filters had orange tint when changed hrs after radiation release began


07:15 PM Oct 21, 2011 | 60  

-1585- Radioactivity increasing in Tokyo air filters - not from initial blasts - Cesium re-volatilized into air (VIDEO)


GENDAI BUSINESS ONLINE (ARTICLE IN JAPANESE), Jun 14, 2016: [J]ust before the 5th anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, a group of young girls in the city of Minami-Soma rode their bikes to school past a shocked and saddened pedestrian. That upset observer was Arnie Gundersen, nuclear reactor expert… What surprised me at this visit to Japan… is that the decontaminated area is contaminated again, Mr. Gundersen said while explaining why it was such as sad shock to witness the girls on their bicycles. This was not what I had expected. I had thought that we would not find such high doses of radiation in the decontaminated area. But, sadly, our results prove otherwise.… Gundersen collected samples of dust [though] the official data cannot be released before the publication of formal scientific papers, it is evident that high doses of radiation, usually found in nuclear waste, was detected from these samples. This means that highly radioactive dust is flying around the city. In other words, the decontaminated land is contaminated again. Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government’s standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv. Mr. Gundersen also pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation. At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure.… [T]he radiation from the mountains are coming back to the city by way of wind and rain. Mr. Gundersen noted the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq. These vegetables were sold at the Michino Eki in Tochigi prefecture, and the bamboo shoot grown in this contaminated region was used for elementary school lunches in Utsunomiya. These school lunches contained more than twice as much radiation as the government’s standard… However, the government continues to push for the end of people’s relocation and force the return to re-contaminated areas… Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…



CCTV (Channel 17 in Burlington, Vermont) - Gendai Business Online (in Japanese)


10:19 AM Jun 30, 2011 | 22  

-910- 98.6% of time, air contamination around Fukushima plant not measured - TEPCO: lack qualified personnel to change filters


09:11 AM Jun 30, 2011 | 13  

-906- Trees, soil in Los Alamos area have ‘legacy contamination’ from nuclear tests in 1940’s - If they get heated and radiation goes air borne, we’re concerned (VIDEO)

Los Alamos Fire: Perimeter of Nuclear Lab Set Ablaze


08:44 AM Jun 30, 2011 | 13  

-905- Los Alamos residents rush out of town - fear children born with third-eye and extra limbs


08:24 AM Jun 30, 2011 | 4  

-904- Fire near Los Alamos grows to 90,000 acres - where 3% of fire contained: unclear


02:24 AM Apr 5, 2011 | 7  

-220- Radioactive iodine at 7.5 million times legal limit in water around Fukushima - Cesium-137 at 1.1 million times limit (VIDEO) - 300,000 Becquerels of iodine-131 per 1 cubic centimeter


A Plus, Aug 27, 2015: The Story Behind This Picture Is So Mysterious, Scientists Are Scratching Their Heads; What is going on here?!… the number has skyrocketed. Thirty whales spanning at least four species have been found… NOAA Fisheries scientists and partners are very concerned about the large number of whales stranding in the western Gulf of Alaska in recent months, Dr. Teri Rowles of the NOAA said… these enormous, gorgeous animals are dying in such high numbers.


VOA, Sep 1, 2015: While President Barack Obama is in Alaska, he might have this question: Why have 30 dead whales washed ashore… [NOAA's] Fauquier said the extreme mortality event was complicated… Fauquier noted that in the ocean, toxins move up the food chain. Some of the whales actually filter the phytoplankton and the zooplankton… they get the toxins through that method…. as you go higher up the food web, more toxin gets concentrated.… NOAA hopes to explain why the whales died and why they perished in such great numbers.


Cordova Times, Aug 28, 2015: Whales..Thirty dead whales ….And no one knows why… when thirty of them die in four months, three times the usual rate, something is not right…. between 700 deaths over the years, scientists have managed to perform two full necropsies. For this particular event, they’ve done one limited necropsy… While they keep an eye on algae, they have been testing all possibilities. Possibilities like fallout from Fukushima, and while they did radiation testing as part of the limited autopsy, it came back with background levels that would occur normally in Alaska -Julie Speegle, speaking on behalf of NOAA.


Newsweek, Aug 27, 2015: Over the last few months, dead whales have been appearing regularly on beaches along the Northern California coast. In the same period, 30 whale carcasses have washed up along the coast of Alaska, puzzling scientists.


Washington Post, Aug 30, 2015: Concerns mount as whales are found dead in Gulf of Alaska - Researchers are scrambling to determine what’s behind the death of 30 whales… Other dead whales have been reported off the coast of British Columbia…. starvation or disease could be behind the deaths… more likely culprit is unusual water conditions.


08:58 AM Feb 17, 2016 | 577

-8775- Vancouver B.C. & Seattle: 220,000,000 atoms of Fukushima Iodine-129/liter of rainwater-[a] w/15 million year half-life in aquifer; supplies deadly drinking water-[a] to 120,000 people in BC/WA


11:26 AM Mar 23, 2011 |

-112- Tokyo drinking water unsafe for infants: Gov’t distributes bottled water


11:57 PM Jun 16, 2011 | 113  

-753- Iodine-131 kills babies In Philly? Deaths up 48% since radiation spikes in tap water (VIDEO)


03:35 PM Apr 21, 2011 | 12  

-361- EPA data - iodine-131 in L.A. tap water - no testing for radioactive cesium


07:33 AM Mar 6, 2012 | 39  

-2761- Iodine-131 in Minamisoma tap water (REPORT)


09:25 AM Apr 6, 2011 | 39  

-233- Washington State, Richland: Air monitor shows sustained radiation spike March 31, then goes out of service - iodine-131 found in Richland drinking water - EPA finds radionuclides in Richland tap water… one of two spots in U.S.: other is Boise Idaho.


10:39 PM Apr 4, 2011 | 10  

-219- EPA finds drinking water with radioactive iodine-131 in Idaho and Washington - Samples collected last week


02:44 PM Oct 8, 2011 | 90  

-1496- Report: Tokyo tap water in crisis? Comes from area that is radioactive as Chernobyl’s ‘contaminated areas’ - 100,000-300,000 Bq/kg


11:51 PM Jul 3, 2011 | 115  

-945- Cesium found in Tokyo tap water


09:59 AM Apr 10, 2011 | 14  

-273- East Coast city’s tap water has highest radiation in U.S. - Philadelphia only .8 pCi/L below EPA maximum contaminant level


04:46 PM Mar 14, 2013 | 67  

-5570- Tap water could probably run a lawn mower… it’s real gas - 500,000x legal limit for benzene - I’ve never seen such high levels - Brockovich visits Illinois community (VIDEO)


03:04 AM Nov 1, 2012 | 10  -

-4667-Man ignites tap water 4 miles from Louisiana sinkhole - bubbling after giant hole formed (VIDEO)


09:21 AM Mar 19, 2011 | 2  

-78- Radioactive iodine found in Tokyo tap water - cesium found in tap water in Tochigi & Gunma


05:37 PM Aug 30, 2011 | 12  

-1263- Quake-hit Virginia nuke plant should be distributing bottled water to nearby residents - Pipes under North Anna potentially grave public danger


09:09 AM Oct 2, 2011 | 52  

-1450- AFP: Reigning champ showering with bottled water while in Japan - Another rider considers leaving all his clothes behind


00:01 AM Jun 8, 2016

-8821- EPA Proposes Shocking Thousand-Fold Increase in Radioactivity Allowed in Drinking Water

-8821.1- Fairewinds Comments on the EPA’s Proposed Changes to the Protective Action Guidelines (PAG) Jul 29, 2016 Reports Report, EPA, Radiation Caroline Phillips Environmental Protection Agency has proposed new radiation limits for the public 25x higher than current exposure limits. These new guidelines would substantially increase the amount of radiation people can ingest the days and years following an atomic disaster. The EPA announcement was open for public comment til July 25. This is the Fairewinds brief submitted = HTTP://WWW.FAIREWINDS.ORG/NUCLEAR-ENERGY-EDUCATION//FAIREWINDS-COMMENTS-ON-THE-EPAS-PROPOSED-CHANGES-TO-THE-PROTECTIVE-ACTION-GUIDELINES-PAG


03:38 PM Dec 13, 2013 | 242

-6807- China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast – inc: Washington, Oregon, Alaska, N. California - to continue (AUDIO)


Criminally, this understanding that would benefit mammals (including human) as species is absent from mainstream news, K-12 classes and higher education; all who appear to be apologists for the nuclear death industry.

It is our view that the increased amount of cancer in women worldwide parallels the rise of nuclear testing and the nuclear power industry …and heightening cancer rates in females and males, alike; (although new research reveals fallout and the nuclear energy business is more dangerous to women, in utero life in the womb, infants and girls than to men and boys).

In other words, we argue the increased amount of cancer in mammals (including human) worldwide parallels the rise of nuclear testing, the nuclear power industry, use of depleted uranium weapons, as well as normal, and catastrophic and cataclysmic nuclear energy events …all-the-while new research documents low level exposure to radionuclides over long periods of Time appears more dangerous to Life Everlasting, than sudden upchucks.

Surplus human death as a result of atmospheric nuclear testing since 1945 are counted by epidemiologists at 60,000,000 deaths. And, 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases. Plus, add in several more million dead babies and fetuses.

Since March 2011, Fukushima has doubled the existing amount of fallout in the world, that you are exposed to, that shows up in the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe … as a species.

The Fukushima fallout amount is described as the same as 500 Nagasaki plutonium-nuclear bombs exploded in the sky …plus, another 500 plutonium-nuclear bombs exploded in the sea. So, can we now double the estimated additional surplus death toll?


If you see though your mind’s eye, consider beside humans other mammals who breathe the same air and drink the same water and eat plants and fruits grown in the same soil as our food, watered by the same nuclear rain-through and touched by the same nuclear ground shine.

In our opinion, you can double the death toll again, if you include animals, created by Our Hand.

The excess human death toll in the United States since 2011 from Fukushima fallout according to epidemiologists is 20,000 human deaths.[n]

Perhaps 100,000, and counting.

Now again, consider animals on land in the United States.

Now, consider animals in the sea.

Now again, across the northern hemisphere.


Consider this: 1,000,000 cancers from Fukushima in Japan over the next 20 years - first thyroid, then lung, organ, brain then leukemia.

To date, Fukushima fallout in North America is estimated 400,000,000,000,000 Bq Cesium-137 – resulting in cancer if one particle is ingested.

Ongoing- …new disease …suffering …mutation and …death from historic atmospheric nuclear testing and leaks from renewed underground testing, and ongoing leaks from the nuclear power industry (not to mention from normal day-to-day operations) and depleted uranium weapons can be slowed down …all we have to do is phase out the nuclear power industry, depleted uranium weapons, decrease nuclear testing …and, in its place, phase in alternative energy.

But listen well, the damage is already done; ongoing consequences cannot be undone or reversed. The cancer rate is now one-in-two.

Soon, thanks to nuclear energy industry, it will be one-in-one.

The Life Force is being attacked as never before. Can you feel it?

It needs our help.



[Editor’s note: we have as yet been unable to verify with Sweden the preceding and following references and charts attributed to the Swedish ‘gov't’.]


“One country … kept accounts of cancer cases since 1910: Sweden. This is a chart of their cancer rate from that time onwards:


12:38 PM May 5, 2016

-8812- 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout - 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases - doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses, war crime far greater than any in recorded human history


May 5, 2016 - over 60,000,000 humans have been killed by nuclear fallout. And, over 120,000,000 people have gotten cancer from radioactive releases. Plus, you can add in several more millions of dead babies and fetuses.


-5554--8228.2- Japan Professor: I believe airborne release of cesium-137 from Fukushima equals 400 to 500 Hiroshima nuclear bombs - Another 400 to 500 bombs worth has already flowed into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)


-2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? … looks at age groups, cities


-2064- 1,000,000 cancers from Fukushima in Japan over next 20 years - First thyroid, then lung, organ, brain, leukemia


Baby Elephant Seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder

03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015 | 517

-8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)


-8702.1- Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period 5-10 years.


-8222- Fukushima fallout in N. America 400,000,000,000,000 Bq Cesium-137 - cancer if one particle ingested



Mammals versus idiots

Introduction, Part 1

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says that nuclear energy is safe … the current trend is to build 1,000-to-2,500 new reactors to prove the point it’s great for the environment. The premise of this book is that it is not safe …Facebook and YouTube are coming alive with excitement we’re at the crossroads … the crossroads are in the rearview mirror. We’re racing, we’re half-past dead …and unless we can get it from this book, we’re having 2,500 nails put in our coffin.

(This is the first book that documents the nuclear energy industry and prior atmospheric testing are killing mammals (including human), and females are most vulnerable.)


Animal lovers: 20,000 excess human deaths in the U.S. followed Fukushima fallout, and infant mortality doubled in Seattle and Vancouver BC, while prior atmospheric testing is resulting in 60,000,000 people dead and 100,000,000 with cancer. We argue: if you include animals, those rates double, triple and more. We argue in defense of mammals (including human), who can’t speak out and prosecute the owners of the nuclear power industry wiping them out. This book is a summary of evidence, a book of exhibits for a public trial of those who profane natural- and Divine order.

Currently, children and other baby mammals, as well as adults, are terribly suffering worldwide from nuclear power. And, the legion of evil doing this to us are persecuting whistleblowers. Even the trees and flowers and insects and birds and reptiles and whales and dolphins and starfish and pelicans and seabirds and cows, horses, dogs and cats and everything living that reproduces itself after its own kind, have their DNA in the crosshairs of nuclear madmen owned and governed by the G8 and International Monetary Fund and World Bank and Bank of International Settlements …the western central banks, that have become the new face of the Inquisition, carelessly killing all who do not worship money and even those who do, and bent on destroying Natural Order, Gaia and Divine Order. Now, hidden and aided by the Chinese central banks.

We look at Hillary’s WikiLeaks-released emails while stationed post-Fukushima in Japan as State Secretary in the aftermath of Japan’s three meltdowns following directives from Obama and Kissinger not to allow Japan to be nuclear free by 2030 …and as a consolation prize Hillary’s pact with Japan that food imported from Japan into the U.S. not be tested for radionuclides. The Fukushima emails disappear.[o]



2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima? … age groups, cities


04:07 PM Jan 29, 2012 | 29  

-2410- TMI: Cancer death increase - Infant mortality doubles - birds disappear - mutations (VIDEO)


-742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl - infant deaths from Fukushima fallout? (VIDEO)


01:06 AM Oct 2, 2012 | 78

-4411- Sec. Clinton personally pressures Japan leader to keep nuclear power as President Obama wishes it


Donald and the Trumpettes

Nuclear power makes global warming worse.

Maybe, just maybe this Administration, Donald and the Trumpettes, will refuse to fund the nuclear reactor industry (with our tax dollars) who now say they will fight global warming by lowering our carbon footprint, and adding 1,000-to-2,500 new reactors will get of the problem …not to mention all living things – (so, it appears to the learned eye).

Yes, we have no Obama. But, we had none even before Entergy was caught poisoning Manhattan.

Obama says there is no danger here in the United States from Fukushima fallout …why? Obama’s chief political strategist, David Axelrod, worked for Exelon, the largest nuclear plant owner in the U.S., planning strategic public affairs. Exelon’s former chief Washington lobbyist, Elizabeth Moler, served as deputy national co-chair for the Obama campaign. Barack had successive White House energy czars describing nuclear power as ‘safe, clean, and reliable’ … parroting the industry position. Entergy does Vermont.

This time, you’ll know about Tritium.

Fukushima is continuing to poison Portland Oregon. Portland is just over the other pond, from Fukushima. Portland prides itself on t-shirts and bumper stickers, as being ‘weird’. Seventeen states, including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, have laws intended to provide statewide fluoridation … Oregon is not one of them [].

Portland citizens repeatedly vote to keep fluoride out of drinking water and keep it pure, based on new scientific research that fluoride reduces I.Q. in children and causes dementia in seniors …with all the pro and con documentation included in their voter handbook. Some weirdo’s document that fluoride calcifies your pineal gland, or ‘third eye’, the seat of your foresight, hindsight, imagination, dreams, intuition, simply seeing beyond normal sight …after all, the pineal gland has rods and cones like your other two eyes. …say it isn’t so.

Portland doesn’t know an organic farm in southeast Portland voluntarily closed down because it was permanently contaminated from Fukushima radionuclide rain-through (nuclear fallout) and resultant nuclear fallout ground shine …it could no longer grow food safe to eat, ever again. Nor, that Portland had/has the most rain-through and ground shine of Fukushima fallout in the U.S., as much as around Fukushima Dai-Ichi. The Pacific Cascades, even more.

Just as in Seattle folks did not know, and still do not know, they breathed in hot particles daily that increase nose bleeds and asthma and pneumonia then lodge in the lungs and cause lung cancer, we here in Portland did not know we breathed hot particles in, too.

Not a peep from the people of Portlandia, news or city commissioners …nothing. Not even from Obama, Hillary or Trump when auguring for the inauguration. Not a single word.

That’s weird.


12:43 PM Nov 29, 2011 | 64

-1879- 2008: Obama chief political strategist David Axelrod worked for Exelon, largest nuclear plant owner in U.S. - NEI chairman is Obama donor


12:05 AM Mar 26, 2012 | 61  

-2922- Fairewinds president: Organic farm in Portland stopped producing food after radiation tests - very frightening what happened on West Coast (VIDEO)


12:00 AM Nov 1, 2011 | 229  

-1658--7024- Portland-area topsoil up to 8,000 pCi/kg of cesium from Fukushima - Over 10,000% higher than highest levels found by UC Berkeley Kaltofen found higher radiocesium deposition than 500 Bq/m²-


-2672- Portland-area highest Iodine-131 deposition in U.S. at 5,100 Bq/m² by April 5 -Gov’t Study


09:43 AM Dec 22, 2011 | 25  

-2067- West Coast - increase in cancer from Fukushima radionuclides - After Japan, the most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains - Portland had cesium at 100 Bq/m² (VIDEO)

“And in Seattle we actually had a two week period where we actually had 4-5 hot particles of radioactive material that was trapped by our quantitative filters in the amount of air that people would breathe in a day.”


06:34 AM Nov 16, 2011 | 84  

-1802- Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland? Perhaps you need to wash your shoes… and other things (VIDEO)


07:40 PM Jan 29, 2014 | 145

-7025- Fukushima fallout in U.S. - Dose in Northeast and Great Lakes equal to West Coast (GRAPHIC) French Institute of Radioprotection & Nuclear Safety (IRSN, 2012): 73 radionuclides were released by Fukushima. One might argue low impact concluded in our study claiming only radiocesium has been studied instead of 73 radionuclides emitted.


Animal lovers

Now, 20,000 excess human deaths in the U.S. follow Fukushima fallout, and infant mortality doubled in Seattle and Vancouver BC, following Fukushima.

At the same Time and Space, prior atmospheric testing is resulting in 60,000,000 people dead and 100,000,000 with cancer.

We argue: if you include animals, those rates double, triple and more.



-2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima? … age groups, cities


04:07 PM Jan 29, 2012 | 29  

-2410- TMI: Cancer death increase - Infant mortality doubles - birds disappear - mutations (VIDEO)


To include animals, double or triple or quadruple these numbers

-742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl - infant deaths result of Fukushima fallout? (VIDEO)

12:38 PM May 5, 2016

-8812- 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout - 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases - doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses- war crime far greater than any in recorded human history (VIDEO)


We trace the tragic extinction-level journeys of whales and dolphins in currents constantly re-filled for six years with floating and submerged Fukushima plutonium from Japan to the west coast. There, they surround and circle fishing boats crying and lay their heads against a boat, pleading for help, breaching and listing, swimming in circles helplessly, huge tumors on their heads, hiding by the hundreds in small harbors.

Then, the whales and dolphins wash up dead and dying on the beaches, alongside dead crabs, starfish, octopi and pelicans in a death freeze, pressed into the sand from Alaska to Mexico

Note the Alaskan seals, eyes bleeding and faces covered in lesions and tumors where jet stream rain-through brought airborne Fukushima hot radionuclide particles down upon them, and the polar bears, marked like the salmon with lesions and tumors from seaborne hot particles.

Notice the young sea lion pups off California, not one survived where thousands were expected, birds falling from the sky, thousands washing up dead on the shorelines, harbors covered with dead fish and in California the skin is falling off the horses just like the seals, faces of both covered in bleeding lesions and tumors.


Got milk?

Milk from cows across the USA is reported too full of Fukushima fallout to be safe to drink because our pastures, like Japan’s, are covered with Fukushima fallout shine, and the breast milk of women in Japan and Tokyo is filled with Fukushima radionuclides and unsafe. [Editor’s note: See Chapter 38, Got Milk?]

Children are being born there with extra legs like the animals in Chernobyl, and kids being born without brains around Hanford, today just like when they closed it down when sheep were born without faces or mouths and legs joined.

It is too much for me to bear; I go out walking in the snow till my feet get too cold and look up into the clear night filled with stars, the air is crisp and clean and I am torn apart. It is all a State secret, in Japan and in the United States, too. All mammals (including human) are stricken in awe, breathing a death rattle. The nuclear energy industry reassures us, nuclear energy is safe and clean. I am not comforted.



05:30 PM Jun 6, 2014 | 194

-8270- NBC - Nuclear workers suffering severe brain damage- Toxic waste raining down from sky, wore baseball caps for protection - brains being eaten away, teeth falling out - Workers raising safety issues framed using false evidence, fired - Gov’t agency not allowed in to investigate (VIDEO)


-8270.1- U.S. nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler - wife films trembling husband on deathbed - indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care - they want you to die - Gov’t Experts: It’s allergies from cats or feathers… or B-12 deficiency - Doctor: Quit helping workers get help (VIDEO) Nov 21, 2014


-8270.2- TV: 11 workers at U.S. nuclear site transported to medical facilities - Suffering nose bleeds, chest pains, coughing up blood - Multiple locations evacuated - Persistent symptoms extremely unusual - Workers: Place is falling apart - serious problems out there (VIDEO) Mar 26, 2014


-8270.3- CBS Evening News: Nuclear engineer fired - Warning about blast similar to Fukushima in U.S. - Comparison left out when aired by CBS ‘This Morning’ (VIDEO) Oct 21, 2013


-8270.4- Accused arsonist hired at U.S. nuclear plant - as safety specialist - ‘unescorted access’ at site Mar 21, 2014


-8270.5- Explosion at U.S. nuclear site - secret from public - in plant where plutonium was manufactured - - Flames shot out - big, loud bang like a shot gun (VIDEO) May 4, 2014


09:04 PM Dec 22, 2013 | 94  

-6842- Radioactive snow falls on Navy ship caused by Fukushima radioactive steam… Is that aluminum foil I taste? - Sailors defecating on themselves in hallways from excruciating diarrhea- Radiation 300x ‘safe’ levels (VIDEO)


04:07 PM Jan 29, 2012 | 29  

-2410- TMI: Cancer death increase - Infant mortality doubles - birds disappear - mutations (VIDEO)


04:59 PM Jun 15, 2011 | 31  

-742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl - current infant deaths result of Fukushima? (VIDEO)


10:29 AM Oct 19, 2013 | 146

-6568- Sailor: After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead - Nothing alive for over 3,000 miles - no longer saw turtles, dolphins, sharks, birds - saw one whale, it appeared helpless with big tumor on head


Nov 30, 2013

-6739.5- Whale Expert, Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this behavior, must sense this is a safe place to be - Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific - One even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO)


Aug 30, 2014

-6739.6- Surge in marine mammal strandings on West Coast - My biggest fear is if this… is everywhere along coast - Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds recently washing up in large numbers - thousands likely dead - Violent seizures on news (VIDEO)


07:25 AM Jan 5, 2012 | 74  

-2177- Baby humpback whale found dead near Tokyo Bay (VIDEO)


09:51 AM Jan 10, 2012 | 36  

09:51 AM Jan 10, 2012 | 36  

-2225- Massive dead creature floating in Tokyo Bay - Near where radioactive ash is dumped (PHOTO)


Dead whales

02:40 PM May 11, 2015 | 228

-8630- West Coast: Strandings of large sea creatures; 5 dead whales in 3 weeks beach on Northern California coast - two dead whales in same place (VIDEO)

Seals, whales, sea lions, otters, birds

07:42 PM Sep 4, 2015 | 1,086

-8706- West Coast animals. Alaska-to-California – whale disoriented; sea lions, seals, otters, birds disoriented, seizures; 30 whales tangle in nets; moose disoriented, swims in circles (PHOTOS & VIDEO)


Extinction-level event – plutonium radionuclides hot spots in Pacific

to kill for hundreds of years

06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 | 631

-8705- West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS-) and (VIDEOwhale’s final gasps on beach)


11:42 AM May 24, 2014 | 394

-8249- Horror show at Los Angeles-area beach - marine animals get sick and die - hobble, fall over-(VIDEO)


02:25 PM Dec 28, 2011 | 103  

-2118- Diseased Alaska seals tested for radiation have abnormal brain growths, undersized lymph nodes - Environmental cause indicated - Also found in Russia, Canada (PHOTOS)


08:11 AM Dec 28, 2011 | 88  

-2114- Radiation tests underway on dead and diseased seals in Alaska - Bleeding lesions, hair loss (PHOTO)


07:51 AM Jan 4, 2012 | 81  

-2169- Alaska: Fukushima radiation sickens seals?  Lesions on hind flippers and inside their mouths - Stricken live seals were lethargic, allowing people to approach - Necropsies found fluid in lungs, white spots on livers and abnormal growth in brains


04:39 PM Jan 2, 2012 | 33  

-2155- Seals, walruses - unprecedented number of sea turtle deaths in Vancouver Island (AUDIO)


Ice seals, walruses, polar bears

10:09 AM Mar 14, 2013 | 59  


-5566- Sickened Alaska animals get more tests for Fukushima radionuclides - Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss (PHOTOS)


-5566.1- no cause officially identified for illness plaguing ice seals - walruses and polar bears have turned up with similar ailments - some of the animals were found to also have bleeding and swelling in their lungs, livers, lymph nodes and other internal organs


Pulsed release - Alaska

seal lesions, deaths

10:40 AM Jan 25, 2014 | 232

-6982- Alaska seal deaths & Fukushima fallout - skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy, pulsed release … built-up radionuclides set free as ice melts - (PHOTOS & MAP)


White goo and slime

inside seal flesh

09:46 AM Jan 26, 2014 | 314

-6986- White goo everywhere inside Alaska seal flesh, crows won’t touch it, slime in one’s mouth, kidney almost black; another appeared to change color; hairless one seen recently; we have sick seals here (PHOTOS)

Alaska seal flesh, crows won’t touch it - slime in one’s mouth, kidney almost black - another appeared to change color - hairless one seen recently


Alaska seal deaths and Fukushima fallout - Skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy

(Note: The following two endnotes accompany this info.) Alaska Marine Science Symposium (pdf), Jan. 20-24, 2014 (emphasis added): 2011 Fukushima Fall Out: Aerial Deposition On To Sea Ice Scenario And Wildlife Health Implications To Ice-Associated Seals (Dr. Doug Dasher, John Kelley, Gay Sheffield, Raphaela Stimmelmayr) –

On March 11, 2011 off Japan’s west coast, an earthquake-generated tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant resulting in a major nuclear accident that included a large release of airborne radionuclides into the environment.

Within five days of the accident atmospheric air masses carrying Fukushima radiation were transiting into the northern Bering and Chukchi seas. During summer 2011 it became evident to coastal communities and wildlife mgt agencies that there was a novel disease outbreak occurring in several species of Arctic ice-associated seals.

Gross symptoms associated with the disease included lethargy, no new hair growth, and skin lesions, with the majority of the outbreak reports occurring between the Nome and Barrow region.

NOAA and USFWS declared an Alaska Northern Pinnipeds Usual Mortality Event (UME) in late winter of 2011. The ongoing Alaska 2011 Northern Pinnipeds UME investigation continues to explore a mix of potential etiologies (infectious, endocrine, toxins, nutritious etc.), including radioactivity.

Currently, the underlying etiology remains undetermined. We present results on gamma analysis (cesium 134 and 137) of muscle tissue from control and diseased seals, and discuss wildlife health implications from different possible routes of exposure to Fukushima fallout to ice seals.

Since the Fukushima fallout period occurred during the annual sea ice cover period from Nome to Barrow, a sea ice based fallout scenario in addition to a marine food web based one is of particular relevance for the Fukushima accident.

Under a proposed sea ice fallout deposition scenario, radionuclides would have been settled onto sea ice. Sea ice and snow would have acted as a temporary refuge for deposited radionuclides; thus radionuclides would have only become available for migration during the melting season [16]and would not have entered the regional food web in any appreciable manner until breakup (pulsed release).

The cumulative on-ice exposure for ice seals would have occurred through external, inhalation, and non-equilibrium dietary pathways during the ice-based seasonal spring haul-out period for molting/ pupping/ breeding activities. Additionally, ice seals would have been under dietary/metabolic constraints and experiencing hormonal changes associated with reproduction and molting.


Radiation from Fukushima, APRN (Alaska Public Radio Network), Jan. 24, 2014: They’re having trouble sealing up the leaking nuclear power plants in Japan and they’re also having trouble disclosing what is going on there. Is this a reason to distrust Alaska seafood?

Researchers: Skin ulcers on Alaska wildlife after Fukushima were never observed before -- Also reported in seals from Japan -- We couldn’t document fallout pattern when plumes hit and animals were on the ice (AUDIO)

(Above) Left: Location of sickened seals; Right: Blue line is radioactive plume from Fukushima mid-March 2011


Impact strength of Cs-137 in year 4 (Han G J, et al. 2013)


(Above) Model produced by governments of Korea and China


(Above) Top: 200 meters; Bottom: 50 meters, variable depth (Z. Lai et al.)


(Above) Model produced by governments of Korea and China

Subsurface concentration of Cs-137 (Bq/m3) at 150-250m (Rossi et al 2013)


12:28 PM Nov 16, 2013 | 79  

-6699- The truth must be told, Fukushima a major global threat to all living flora and fauna… Mainstream media not best source of information - Gundersen: Only thing saving us is internet (AUDIO)


01:17 AM Nov 16, 2013 | 151  

-6698- Skin ulcers on Alaska wildlife after Fukushima were never observed before - Also reported in seals from Japan - couldn’t document fallout pattern when plumes hit and animals were on the ice (AUDIO)


07:16 AM Apr 7, 2012 | 72  

-3025- USGS - polar bears with oozing sores, hair loss in Alaska - tests for radiation - 3 of 4 affected - Similar symptoms as recent seal deaths (PHOTO & AUDIO)


11:07 AM Jan 28, 2014 | 173

-6992- Alaska: Salmon w/strange growths inside - skin illness on white fish raises concerns - Gov’t predicts catastrophic king salmon run (PHOTOS


Plutonium kills ocean animals?

05:31 PM Jan 28, 2014 | 64

-6994- Alaska: Fukushima fallout factor in unusual mortality of seals and walrus; no test for plutonium (AUDIO)


01:17 PM Jan 28, 2014 | 116

Cesium fallout killing ocean animals?


-6993- Radioactive cesium in ocean from Fukushima reaches 50,000x levels after Chernobyl (VIDEO)


10:09 AM Mar 23, 2013 | 73  

-5635- CNN airs ill California sea lions - walking skeletons - unprecedented crisis, exponentially higher numbers - 700 rescued recently (VIDEO)


01:23 PM Mar 17, 2013 | 51  

-5588- Sea lions wash up in S. California- epidemic proportion - center declares emergency - something going on oceanographically (VIDEO)


10:14 AM Apr 2, 2013 | 176  

-5697- Crisis of epic proportions for California sea lions - Suffering abscesses, seizures - Exponentially higher numbers wash up (VIDEO)

07:52 PM Mar 30, 2013 | 146  

-5686- Los Angeles: Dead sea lions everywhere - never seen anything like this… we never would have imagined the numbers - no oceanographic explanation (VIDEO)


10:40 AM Mar 16, 2015 | 302

-8590- 10,000 baby sea lions dead on one California island - (VIDEOS)


12:00 AM Jan 5, 2012 | 56  

-2176- Video: Fukushima birds unable to fly


04:37 PM Apr 29, 2012 | 28  

-3198- 33% of prized bird species disappears near Fukushima - Those making it back in poor condition


03:12 PM Apr 29, 2012 | 49  

photo blog of Takashi Morizumi Dr. Satoshi Mori - x-ray-like view (radioautograph) showing black dots in body of small bird from Iitate Village. Dots said to be Cs-137 from eating contaminated insects.


01:04 PM May 12, 2015

-8631- Fukushima: Mutations have begun; birds blind, unable to fly 4 years after Fukushima - with mutations in contaminated areas (VIDEO)


11:44 PM May 3, 2014 | 65

-8212- Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls along west coast - mortality event began 8 months after Fukushima explosions - emaciated when arriving in Pacific Northwest from Arctic


01:17 PM May 3, 2014 | 143

-8211- California: Toxic outbreak threatens marine life - birds fall from sky, sea lions convulse - heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)


04:01 PM Nov 25, 2013 | 85  

-6742- Fukushima giving top nuclear scientists nightmares - Writer from L.A.: Radioactive plume crossing Pacific is what’s keeping me up at night


01:13 PM Nov 25, 2013 | 92  

-6741- Serious concerns in U.S. about Fukushima radioactive material coming to our shores - WSJ: Concern around world ocean currents spread radioactivity to faraway places (VIDEO)


09:08 AM Nov 25, 2013 | 106  


-6739- NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded - Biologist: Very strange year - Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)


-6739.1- also see excerpt from above story: New York Times, November 24, 2013: It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them - in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands - the pelicans - bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted - it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents - more than 200 humpbacks - and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy orcas - the water in every direction roiled with mammals - For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists say is unprecedented in their memories - never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long - Last month, anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor


-6739.2- Scientists warn of mass die-off along California coast -Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up as far as I could see - Toxin spread all up and down West Coast (VIDEO) Jun 2, 2015


-6739.3- Something odd in Pacific; Sea creatures act strangely, species turning up where rarely seen - L.A. Lifeguard: Used to be 2 shark sightings a year, now 2 a day (VIDEOS) Nov 27, 2013


-6739.4- Toxic bloom basically eating the West Coast alive - Unusual deaths up and down the Pacific coast - All populations of marine mammals are way down in areas - Experts: Largest ever recorded (VIDEO) Aug 9, 2015


-6739.5- Whale Expert, Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this behavior, They must sense this is a safe place to be - Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific - One even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO) Nov 30, 2013


-6739.6- Surge in marine mammal strandings on West Coast - My biggest fear is if this… is everywhere along coast - Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds recently washing up in large numbers - thousands likely dead - Violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO) Aug 30, 2014


01:17 AM Nov 25, 2013 | 60  

-6738- Scientist back from Japan: Melt-through of Fukushima containment vessels being discussed - They can’t locate any of the 3 molten reactor cores - It’s bad, it’s definitely not over


10:19 PM Nov 24, 2013 | 86  

-6737- Radionuclides from Fukushima due to hit West Coast - Senior Scientist: Really bizarre U.S. gov’t not testing


07:07 PM Nov 24, 2013 | 55  

-6736- Physician: Problem we face at Fukushima is absolutely huge - I may leave West Coast during attempt to remove nuclear fuel (VIDEO)


02:21 PM Nov 23, 2013 | 63  

-6735- Photos: Sea birds washing up dead’ in Alaska


12:05 PM Nov 23, 2013 | 194  

-6734- First try to remove spent fuel from Unit 4 next week? - Nuclear Engineer: Everyone’s nervous pulling out used rods that are corroding; Will zircoloy tubes break and spill fuel pellets, leading to criticality? (AUDIO)


10:35 AM Nov 23, 2013 | 146  

-6733- Die-offs of mammals, birds, reptiles in Western U.S. - So many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals - hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague (VIDEO)


-6733.1- Areas by U.S. nuclear plants becoming ‘seismically active’; Studies underway right now - NRC ‘Official Use Only’: Quakes can actually happen almost anywhere (AUDIO) Jan 3, 2014


-6733.2- People came home to find animals with eyes burned out after TMI (VIDEO & PHOTOS) Feb2, 2012


-6733.3- Gundersen: Deformities, stillbirths not being reported after Fukushima - Officials withhold truth about health effects - Gov’t suppressing studies on deformed animals (AUDIO)


Oct 3, 2013

-6733.4- Mysterious disease killing seals in Atlantic Ocean - Fukushima fallout testing underway by gov’t scientists (AUDIO)


Sep 1, 2012

-6733.5- Fukushima impacting Alaska; Unusual animals showing up dead… Seals w/ unknown disease… 1st ever cases of avian cholera - ‘rare whale beachings’ in Alaska - Japan Paper: Mysterious sea creatures found one after another (PHOTOS)


May 10, 2014

-6733.6- VIDEO: Extremely rare whale washes up in Northeast Japan - Just one sighting of species in history - Similar creature dead nearby


Apr 14, 2015

-6733.7- Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest - Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved - Biologists investigating how this land-based mold is now appearing in ocean - Many reports of unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer (PHOTOS-[1])


May 21, 2015

-6733.9- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium---02-02-15 - Whitefish that had a bulged out eyeball and some type of growth around the cheekbone. Would like to know the cause of these observed abnormalities ---12-10-14 - Whitefish has a brownish moldy growth all over body. We would like to know more about what is going on with our fish and why this is happening ---10-24-14 - Trout appeared to have sores rotting or decaying… have never seen these sores before… We are still seeing a lot of fish with these kinds of conditions ---06-12-14 - A codfish that was caught with a deep cut or sore on it was pulled in… We are not really sure what happened to this poor cod, but we think it is unusual ---05-26-14 - Whitefish that had a growth on its dorsal fin. Other fish were also caught with a similar condition… ADF&G: This whitefish has… probably a neoplasm (cancer) ---02-17-14 - Fish… found with lesions on them… Other people also said they saw these bumps… elders who said they have seen fish with skin bumps like this once before… people are still worried because they are not sure what it is this time…. these bumps… were like puss. People worried.


-6733.10- Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast - Literally covering all of Oregon coast - Washing up from California to Alaska - Death totals are staggering, (VIDEO)


May 3, 2015

-6733.11- CNN: Scientists puzzled as rare ‘sea monsters’ wash ashore in Southern California - Expert: 2 giant oarfish and saber-toothed whale in a week… What is going on? (VIDEO)


Oct 19, 2013

07:51 AM Nov 23, 2013 | 57  

-6732- Underwater close-up - fuel assembly pulled from rack at Fukushima Unit 4 - Debris seen floating inside pool (VIDEOS)


01:15 AM Nov 23, 2013 | 71  

-6731- TEPCO Adviser: 925 quadrillion Bq of contaminated water from trying to cool melted Fukushima cores in first few months after 3/11 - TV: TEPCO has no idea where the fuel is (VIDEO)


05:00 PM Nov 22, 2013 | 43  

-6730- Sailors in Hawaii asked to monitor Fukushima plumes - New type of debris washes up on islands - Study: Japan nuclear contamination moves same speed as current (VIDEO-here)


-6730.1- Newcastle Herald, Nov. 14, 2013: A point of interest about Ivan Macfadyen’s story was that, when he arrived in Hawaii, the yachtsmen were asked to help monitor plumes of radiation from Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear reactors.


-6730.2- Surface pathway of radioactive plume of TEPCO Fukushima NPP1 released 134Cs and 137Cs, May 2013: Radioactive plume travelled 1800 km 270 days- average zonal speed of the surface radioactive plume was calculated to be about 8 cm/s - consistent with surface current.


-6730.3- Concentrated Fukushima radioactive plume staying on narrow path toward U.S. - Moves with surface water along 40 N - Same latitude as Northern California (MAP)


Rare dolphin washes up with heart problems & stomach lumps

May 17, 2013

-6730.4- Captain: Massive amount of debris off Hawaii, You had to be there… just kept going and going… odd it was in straight line - Japan Expert: It’s accumulated off islands, warns of fish contamination - Rare dolphin washes up with heart problems & stomach lumps, last examined in 1980s


Nov 30, 2013

-6730.5- Officials near San Francisco to monitor Fukushima plume, concern for environment and food supply - Risks to Californians - Waves of cesium, strontium to pollute coast? (VIDEO) Dec 6, 2013


12:29 PM Aug 19, 2013 | 74  

-6208- Pacific herring in Canada bleed from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails - 100 examined were bloody - Officials informed after 3/11 - ignored problem (PHOTO)



09:56 AM Aug 19, 2013 | 39  

-6207- Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada’s Pacific coast - We think something happened in the ocean - Elders never seen anything like this at all - Alaska & Russia affected (MAP)


-6207.1- Gundersen: We will see top of the food chain animals like tuna and salmon that bioaccumulate. FDA is not monitoring fish entering U.S. By 2013 might see contamination of water and top of food chain fishes on West Coast.


-6207.2- Gundersen: Federal and state agencies are not measuring this - I’ve been trying to get people in Oregon and Alaska to demand of their state: check salmon, it is not difficult.


Radionuclides for dairy cow licks

10:32 AM Mar 7, 2014 | 227

-8072- WIPP: Salt from contaminated mine sold as feed to dairy farms? falling slabs breach waste drums? (VIDEO)



05:30 PM Jun 6, 2014 | 194

-8270- NBC - Nuclear workers suffering severe brain damage- Toxic waste raining down from sky, wore baseball caps for protection - brains being eaten away, teeth falling out - Workers raising safety issues framed using false evidence, fired - Gov’t agency not allowed in to investigate (VIDEO)


-8270.1- TV: U.S. nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler - wife films trembling husband on deathbed - indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care - they want you to die - Gov’t Experts: It’s allergies from cats or feathers… or B-12 deficiency - Doctor: Quit helping workers get help (VIDEO) Nov 21, 2014


-8270.2- TV: 11 workers at U.S. nuclear site transported to medical facilities - Nose bleeds, chest pains, cough up blood - Multiple locations - Workers: Place is falling apart - serious problems out there (VIDEO) Mar 26, 2014


-8270.3- CBS Evening News: Nuclear engineer fired - Warning about blast similar to Fukushima in U.S. - Comparison left out when aired by CBS ‘This Morning’ (VIDEO) Oct 21, 2013


-8270.4- Accused arsonist hired at U.S. nuclear plant - as safety specialist - ‘unescorted access’ at site Mar 21, 2014


-8270.5- NBC: Explosion at U.S. nuclear site - secret from public - in plant where plutonium was manufactured - hazardous buildings in America - Workers: Flames shot out - big, loud bang like a shot gun (VIDEO) May 4, 2014


Girls versus boys

People within 25 miles or downwind of a reactor, like in Manhattan, are more likely to get cancer. In Japan from Fukushima fallout, women, fetuses, newborns and girls have higher cancer rates than men and boys. We argue: the directors of the nuclear energy industry are misanthropes and misogynists.

Speaking of embryos, fetuses, and unborn children and abortions in Fukushima, Chernobyl, Hanford, and Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan affected by fallout, let me say only this: Look in the following photos, inside the jars of formaldehyde pickled on the shelves do you see the fully developed baby with no face and the single eye in the middle of the oversized forehead? ...yes, the cyclops. That one. Is that clean and safe enough for you?



We promise you before this book is over, we will name the perpetrators. And we will ask them the same question.

And in Fallujah Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan affected by depleted uranium weapons see the living newborns and toddlers with stretched out and squashed faces like they were made of nutty putty, is this safe and clean enough?


Radiation effects on fetuses

08:06 PM May 12, 2014 | 150

-8228- (Radiation effects on fetuses): Nuclear radiation deforms genes - twins attached by organs growing outside body, 1-eyed cyclops, babies with giant heads - respond to people (GRAPHIC PHOTOS & VIDEO)


U.S. soldiers stationed in Fallujah Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan suffer more casualties from suicide than combat; and thousands of casualties from depleted uranium friendly fire causing cancer and related diseases …courtesy of the nuclear power industry. Not to mention the dark fate of the U.S. sailors upon the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan stationed as guinea pigs off the shore of the exploding and melting down Fukushima reactors.

We will come to know Marco Kaltofen, and his work on hot spots. And the work of Janet Sherman and Joseph Mangano.


A walk in the park in the dark

We look at Japan’s public relations solution that radionuclides don’t hurt people who are happy and smile, just people with a gloomy disposition, and, at founding of ‘smile parks’ for children to play in, and at play areas, schools, whole villages and sidewalks in Tokyo chosen at random by fallout in Japan that in the U.S. would be radiation control zones. We argue: there is a misanthropic fallout cover-up of Olympian and global proportions, culminating in the 2020 Olympics being held in Japan as part of the cover-up and its consequences, as Japanese suffer and wither like human guinea pigs. We ponder any advisory role of CIA in drafting Japan’s new laws defining as treason journalists ‘forcing opinions onto others’ that disagree with the State, and propaganda used in covering-up danger from the nuclear energy industry in Japan, the U.S., and around the world.

In the United States under the Obama Administration, radiation measurement instruments are removed by EPA in areas exceeding radiation safety levels because they are assumed to be faulty and never returned.

The global nuclear energy industry says that plutonium and fallout is good for you and builds up your resistance to disease, that Fukushima radiation is less dangerous than radiation you get eating a banana or potato chips, or sleeping beside someone, or from a walk in the park on a sunny day. We disagree with the global nuclear energy industry, the United Nations, the United States, Japan, and the University of California. We side with the nuclear whistleblowers, who point out that industry apologists make no distinction between exposure to natural radiation and ingesting manmade radionuclides: inhaling one atom of plutonium increases your chances of getting cancer.

The reactors that blew up at Fukushima had over 30 years of nuclear waste stored on top. The reactor cores that melted down aerosolized into the jet streams and otherwise dispersed as hot particles covering the entire northern hemisphere and as molten lava burned down into water aquifers polluting the Pacific Ocean daily the last six years amounts to 600 tons of plutonium. The plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki had 16 pounds. I don't smile over it, not even make one joke and I'm a funny guy. Instead, I cry. My heart is broken. My cheeks and nose streak with tears. They get on my fingers and cover my keyboard. They are not hot tears. They make my face cold. Is that clean enough for you?

Smile that.


12:03 PM Dec 12, 2013 | 124  

-6803- Evacuee: We’re human guinea-pigs in an experiment… we’ll never forgive gov’t or TEPCO! - up to the American people to make them pay; Japan threatening people who speak out with concentration camps (AUDIO)


12:37 PM Jan 9, 2013 | 80  

-5107- Many feel they’re guinea pigs


01:12 PM Sep 1, 2012 | 12

-4167- It’s official, people who stayed in Fukushima are guinea pigs (VIDEO)


10:58 PM Jun 13, 2012 | 8

-3578-Headline: Are we Guinea pigs?


05:05 PM Apr 24, 2012 | 111  

-3158- Japan newborns guinea pigs for study of nuclear weapons and radiation - Stillborn babies secretly shipped to U.S. for research


11:59 AM Apr 18, 2012 | 25  

-3104- Official: We are not guinea pigs!


07:41 PM Mar 5, 2012 | 28  

-2758- Residents feel like guinea pigs for radiation research (AUDIO)


07:49 PM Dec 24, 2011 | 107  

-2080- Japan’s guinea pigs (AUDIO)


04:31 PM Aug 18, 2013 | 125  

-6202- Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for health benefits - wants San Onofre radionuclides from California into Oregon drinking water


Huge spike in neurological diseases after Fukushima - 600% rise ...


Tokyo & 2020 Olympic sites are covered with plutonium dust blown down from mountains practically, for Eternity

Dead Olympians walking thru the looking glass: It escapes Red Bull, Sports Illustrated and ESBN that 2020 Tokyo 32nd Olympiad athletes must compete in protective radiation suits, boots, gloves and respirator headgear to be safe from fallout.

According to nuclear scientists who measure fallout radiation there, and to citizen’s groups who have taken radiation measurements at 2020 Olympic event locations: Japan, Tokyo and 2020 Olympic sites are covered and re-covered with plutonium dust blowing down from the mountains practically, for Eternity and onto the Olympian athletes and spectators as it does on the people of Japan, to enshrine them in their very own Pantheon of dead men walking.


Gaia and Natural Order, DNA and Divine Order, are not pleased with the directors of the nuclear energy industry and demand the sacrifice of their lives.


We agree with the twelve gods living

on Mt. Olympus

We argue: given divine sanctions, the twelve gods living on Mt. Olympus, the planets, months of the year and days of the week all named after them, and Gaia and Natural Order, DNA and Divine Order, are not pleased with directors of the nuclear energy industry and demand the sacrifice of their lives.


The writing is on the wall:

are dreams graffiti in the Pineal gland?

Alternative lives or none at all: ‘[In 2016], the nation’s largest nuclear energy companies pushed through the first massive bailout in New York. State residents and businesses will pay $7.6 billion dollars in subsidies to uneconomical nuclear reactors. [In 2017], the nuclear energy industry is pushing New York as a model for the rest of the country, costing $160-$280 billion dollars by 2030. We argue: if we spent that kind of money on clean energy solutions, within a generation, we could ensure healthy air and water, good jobs, and a bright, sustainable future for our children and our communities.’

We argue the Administration has to answer: Will Trump phase in alternative energy because it is 50 percent to 75 percent cheaper than nuclear energy? Especially since he wants to manufacture domestically, and reactors are manufactured only overseas …in South Korea, India and Japan; (re-tooling here is cost-prohibitive).


Is radical Islamic terrorism a G8 distraction from the central banks that finance and own the nuclear energy industry?

We question if Trump can make a deal with the nuclear energy industry for the benefit of America, first; and second, for the mammals and sea life of the Pacific Ocean; and third, phase out the 500 reactors currently operating; and fourth, just say no to the nuclear energy industry’s request for 1,000 new reactors, and the 500 China wants to build; and to phase out all of Japan’s 46 reactors and tell them the Trump Administration wants Japan to be nuclear-free by 2030 …and the U.S., and the world, too.

Almost all Japan’s reactors are aging, built on multiple earthquake faults and near active volcanoes.

Most of the existing 500 reactors are old and can shatter like glass …if many fail, so do we and all life forms in the northern hemisphere, then the southern. And the fallen ones who are the nuclear energy industry and the central banks that provide the credit and reap the annual interest on the national debt and the politicians and fake news both being the apologists for the industry, will have won.

That is why we agree with the twelve gods living on Mt. Olympus.

Just for starters.

And: Is radical Islamic terrorism a G8 distraction from the central banks that finance and own the nuclear energy industry?



Attention animal lovers

Introduction, Part 2

Mammals (including human) are targeted, distorted and destroyed by fallout in small exposure amounts, as well as large. As are all Life forms: animals, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, plants, trees…even bacteria and viruses. All that God has given the breath of life, are tortured and destroyed by the nuclear power industry.

Isn’t it about time for some revenge?


10:59 AM Aug 13, 2012 | 11

-4005- 95% of worms die, survivors 10x average size when raised on Tokyo soil with Fukushima radioactive material


10:33 PM May 28, 2012 | 18  

-3447- Tokyo Professor: I couldn’t help feeling pity for the tree - X-ray-like image (radioautograph) spread of radioactivity - equivalent of miscarriage, stillbirth, malformation (PHOTO)


03:24 PM Apr 21, 2012 | 12  

-3131- Trees died and others grew in abnormal shapes says ecologist visiting Japan from Chernobyl


07:09 PM Dec 23, 2015 | 768

-8752- Fukushima: Fir tree mutations; insects missing legs or crooked; abnormalities in monkeys, fish and frogs


03:44 PM Aug 31, 2015 | 585

-8704- Radiation fears growing as government finds strangely deformed trees around Fukushima - Nearly 100% have morphological defects - Trees did not have a top bud, without which its growth cannot continue - Effects worsening over time - Researchers prevented from doing studies… so little data (PHOTOS-[1] & VIDEO)


-8298.3- Fairewinds Video: ‘Anomalies’ in plants and animals documented by Fukushima residents, some severely deformed - Scientists: Genetic mutations observed in Fukushima include trees with peculiar distortions, insect abnormalities, tumors in birds, more (PHOTO) Apr 13, 2014


06:37 PM Mar 26, 2013 | 31  

-5660- Photo: Dead radioactive trees not decomposing


02:04 AM Oct 17, 2012 | 17

-4538- Radioactive Fukushima trees on x-ray type film (PHOTOS & VIDEO)


11:42 AM Jul 20, 2012 | 21

-3844- Like setting off nuclear bomb in Eastern Europe? Fire fears for dying radioactive tree plantations by Chernobyl


01:10 PM Jun 15, 2012 | 7

-3590- Deformity in cedar trees from Fukushima radiation? - abnormalities, malformed branches (PHOTOS)


02:26 AM Mar 13, 2012 | 7  

-2826- Cesium killed pine trees as far as you can see - Are there animals that can live here? No, no (VIDEO)


10:44 AM Jan 2, 2012 | 72  

-2151- Tree leaves gigantic after Chernobyl (VIDEO)


[1] 01:20 PM Nov 17, 2011 | 19  

-1818- Evergreen leaves with cesium up to 220,000 becquerels per kg - 10 times more than deciduous trees… Be careful during holidays


12:19 PM Oct 27, 2011 | 24  

-1624- 120 microsieverts per hour at major Japanese train station - The color of the trees were changed (VIDEO)


09:38 AM Oct 5, 2011 | 39  

-1472- Tweets from Fukushima worker: Trees dying around nuke plant… Pine doesn’t wither in Autumn! - Similar reports in Tokyo area (PHOTOS)


09:11 AM Jun 30, 2011 | 13  

-906- Trees, soil in Los Alamos area have ‘legacy contamination’ from nuclear tests in 1940’s - If they get heated and radiation goes air borne, we’re concerned (VIDEO)


09:05 AM Oct 15, 2012 | 27

-4523- Fukushima Woman: Children are already starting to have health problems - we hardly saw mosquitos, moths, beetles this summer- (VIDEO)


-8752- Fukushima: Fir tree mutations; insects missing legs or crooked; abnormalities in monkeys, fish frogs


8298.5- Japan TV broadcast: Mutations in animals and plants after Fukushima - Scientist: Very few insects, only 2 birds (PHOTOS, VIDEO) 12/4/12


-8298.8- Japan Times column: Nuclear mutations: Professor seeing ‘increase in negative effects’ from Fukushima since last year - Report of insect with leg growing from head (PHOTO) Dec 9, 2012


Insect abnormalities

11:23 AM Apr 7, 2014 | 166

-8150- Deformities high in Fukushima insects - Lower body split in half, two tail-like appendages - 1,000% higher death rate in young - PHOTOS


11:37 AM Dec 9, 2012 | 60  -

-4934- Fukushima insect: leg grows from head (PHOTO)


03:48 PM Nov 21, 2012 | 20  

-4819- Are radioactive insects spreading Fukushima contamination from lake bottoms across land? Scientist: Grow underwater, fly out & die everywhere


12:10 AM Aug 20, 2012 | 33

-4062- Gundersen: Rapid insect mutations seen after Fukushima are frightening (VIDEO)


03:46 PM Aug 13, 2012 | 26

-4009- Mutated Butterflies: Study is overwhelming in its implications for humans - Insects were believed to be very resistant to radiation - Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO)


03:12 PM Apr 29, 2012 | 49  

-3197- X-ray-like image shows how radioactivity spread throughout bodies of Fukushima wildlife (PHOTOS)- Photo blog of Takashi Morizumi Dr. Satoshi Mori - x-ray-like view (radioautograph) showing black dots in body of small bird from Iitate Village. Dots said to be Cs-137 from eating contaminated insects.


08:54 PM Feb 2, 2012 | 33  

-2465- Fukushima worse than Chernobyl on bird population - Dramatically elevated DNA mutation rates and extinctions - Insect life significantly reduced - immediate consequence of radiation

10:55 AM Mar 17, 2012 | 30  

-2867- Low-level contamination more dangerous than single dose - Grasshoppers: deformed wings, gray eyes not red - Birds: abnormal sperm, large tumors (VIDEO)


08:47 AM Nov 8, 2011 | 40  

-3033- Spiders bio-concentrated radioactive silver at 1,000x level in soil;


Review of the literature

Exhibit No. 7

12:38 PM May 5, 2016

-8812- 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout - 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases - doesn’t include (millions more dead babies and fetuses, war crime far greater than any in recorded human history – (VIDEO)


With recent epidemiological studies suggesting the cancer rate is now 1-in-2, and epidemiological studies citing those living within 25 miles of a reactor or downwind have higher cancer rates, that in utero life, women and girls are more vulnerable to nuclear fallout than men or boys, that there are 60,000,000 excess deaths as a result of ongoing fallout from previous atmospheric nuclear tests, and 100,000,000 cases of cancer, and the death toll from Fukushima fallout in the U.S. is 20,000-to-50,000 excess deaths … isn’t it about time we stop nuclear reactors and put their perpetrators in prison?

Instead, the previous and current regimes are considering building 1,000-to-2,500 additional nuclear reactors … that is the final solution for Life on this planet, and Life as it was ordained by our Creator, to exist.

This book is a summary of evidence, a book of exhibits in order to publicly try and convict and imprison the perpetrators and their apologists. We gather here today not to praise the nuclear power industry, but to bury them alive in their own nuclear waste.

To see how the exhibits in this book work, take a look at a quick summary of documentation in Exhibit No. 8:

The links to the news articles in Exhibit No. 8 documents how many people in the U.S. died so far from Fukushima fallout in the United States. Then, documents increased infant mortality in Seattle as a result of Fukushima fallout in the United States. Exhibit No. 8 documents radionuclide ‘hot particles’, otherwise known as ‘fallout’…from Fukushima, deposited in the U.S. and then Arnie Gundersen explains the effect of hot particles on mammals (including human) even when the hot particles are not detected in us. I remember here in Oregon several years ago experiencing a unique ‘metallic taste’, in my mouth and a strange almost ‘electric’ feeling in the air …Arnie documents that is a telltale sign of nuclear fallout, then reassures the Japanese who experienced that in Japan are not imaging it, (as the Japanese authorities, intelligence services, and nuclear industry maintain). In additional documentation, Arnie mentions Marco Kaltofen measuring the amount of hot particles fallen in Seattle, and how the measurements were done – and that will inevitably create lung cancer in Seattle residents, and in Portland, and the Pacific Northwest including all along the Pacific Cascades, and into Vancouver British Columbia ; and how (either in this or a following article) that could have been prevented had the Obama Administration and Canadian politicos not covered it up and people (like you and me) instead had been warned and put on 50-cent filtering masks to avoid ingesting the particles, and taking 50-cent iodine pills to avoid getting thyroid disease and thyroid cancer. The, the documentation draws parallels to increased U.S. infant mortality as a result of Chernobyl fallout, here …and mortality of birds. This exhibit includes Arnie’s concluding statement that ‘dilution of fallout and waste’ is not the solution, and another concluding statement, by Helen Caldicott, which will drive the weak of heart to drink or even suicide, that the ongoing pollution of the Pacific Ocean by Fukushima fallout will continue, practically, to the end of Time, extinguishing oceanic food chains, then land-based, until we are all, kaput.

[Editor’s note: Now you see how exhibits work, what documentation they contain, establishes. You might not win a bar room argument …but, you will eventually meet other aware people whose minds function and are not brainwashed by the State (not to mention the nuclear industrialists who control it and central bankers who own and fund it.)]


Review of the literature

Exhibit No. 8

06:41 PM Jan 19, 2012 | 101  

-2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima? … age groups, cities.


09:33 AM Jun 19, 2011 | 37  

-779- Seattle: Northwest sees 35% infant mortality spike post-Fukushima


05:07 AM Jun 13, 2011 | 104  

Hot particles from Japan to Seattle virtually undetectable when inhaled or swallowed,

-718- Metallic taste in mouth in Japan and U.S. west coast (Seattle) - sign of radiation exposure (VIDEO)

Gundersen explains how hot particles may react in mammals while escaping traditional detection. “And in Seattle we actually had a two week period where we actually had 4-5 hot particles of radioactive material that was trapped by our quantitative filters in the amount of air that people would breathe in a day.”


04:59 PM Jun 15, 2011 | 31  

-742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl - current infant deaths result of Fukushima fallout? (VIDEO)


04:07 PM Jan 29, 2012 | 29  

-2410- TMI: Cancer death increase - Infant mortality doubles - birds disappear - mutations (VIDEO)


Reactors will pour water into

Pacific for the rest of time

10:15 AM Feb 21, 2017

-8847- Scientists fear Fukushima radiation hitting U.S. to worsen - A lot of people are very concerned - Billions being exposed - Reactors will continue to pour water into Pacific for the rest of time..(VIDEO)

Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear engineer, Feb 2, 2017: Gunderson: “When I went to school, the saying was ‘dilution is the solution to pollution’, and that’s what the Japanese believe.

If they dump radioactive water from Fukushima Daiichi on their side and it floats over to the West Coast of the U.S. - the Pacific’s a big place - it’ll dilute out. I don’t think that’s appropriate people are going to die.

Regardless of how low the radiation is, it does cause cellular damage and cancer.

If you spread it out in a big body of water, the concentration goes down, but on the other hand, you’ve got a couple billion people exposed to it because they’re on the edge of that big body of water. So, the concentration is down but the population is up and you’re still going to get cancer, and die; it’s inevitable.

Caldicott: Reactors will continue to pour water into Pacific for the rest of time (VIDEO)

Dr. Helen Caldicott, Feb 13, 2017: As the water flows beneath the damaged reactors, it immerses the three molten cores and becomes extremely radioactive as it continues its journey into the adjacent Pacific Ocean.

Every day since the accident began, 300 to 400 tons of water has poured into the Pacific where numerous isotopes including cesium 137, 134, strontium 90, tritium, plutonium, americium and up to 100 more, enter the ocean and bio-concentrate by orders of magnitude at each step of the food chain… tuna, salmon and other species found on the American west coast now contain some of these radioactive elements… [Fukushima Daiichi] will pour water into the Pacific for the rest of time



[a] Global warning and global cooling cycles:

[b] Global warning and global cooling cycles:

[c] 04:18 PM Aug 31, 2014 | 170

-8399- Pacific Ocean: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific - lesions in over 50% of fish being reported - followed by bacterial invasions (PHOTO)

[d] Pete Thomas Outdoors (Former columnist for the LA Times), Dec 22, 2016

[e] KOMO, Dec 22, 2016

[f] CTV and transcript excerpt, Dec 23, 2016

[g] Alaska Dispatch News: Nov 11, 2016

[h] Alaska Dispatch News: Nov 11, 2016


[j] vital1 January 12, 2017 at 5:17 pm


[l] January 13, 2017 at 7:02 pm

[m] machination: a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end

[n] -2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? … looks at age groups, cities

[o] Editor’s note: See Chapters 21, 22.

[16] Sea ice and snow wo acted as a refuge for deposited radionuclides; thus radionuclides would only become available for migration during melting season


[1] Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment was written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.

Chapter 11.

Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota

Alexey V. Yablokov


[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.


[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, microfungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and microfungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation.

  1. Soon after the catastrophe studies observed activation of retroviruses (Kavsan et al., 1992).
  2. There is evidence of increased susceptibility to Pneumocystis carinii and cytomegalovirus in children whose immune systems were suppressed in the contaminated territories of Novozybkov District, Bryansk Province (Lysenko et al., 1996).
  3. Tuberculosis became more virulent in the more contaminated areas of Belarus (Chernetsky and Osynovsky, 1993; Belookaya, 1993; Borschevsky et al., 1996). Address for correspondence: (Editor’s note: omitted.)
  4. In some heavily contaminated areas of Belarus and Russia there was a markedly higher level of cryptosporidium infestation (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).
  5. From 1993 to 1997 the hepatitis viruses B, C, D, and G became noticeably activated in the heavily contaminated areas of Belarus (Zhavoronok et al., 1998 a, b).
  6. Herpes viruses were activated in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus 6 to 7 years after the catastrophe (Matveev, 1993; Matveev et al., 1995; Voropaev et al., 1996).
  7. Activation of cytomegalovirus was found in the heavily contaminated districts of Gomel and Mogilev provinces, Belarus (Matveev, 1993).
  8. Prevalence of Pneumocystis was noticeably higher in the heavily contaminated territories of Bryansk Province (Lavdovskaya et al., 1996).
  9. The prevalence and severity of Gruby’s disease (ringworm), caused by the fungus microsporia Microsporum sp., was significantly higher in the heavily contaminated areas of Bryansk Province (Rudnitsky et al., 2003).
  10. The number of saprophytic bacteria in Belarussian sod-podzolic soils is at maximum with radioactivity levels of 15 Ci/km2 or less and minimal in areas 281 282 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences with up to 40 Ci/km2 (Zymenko et al., 1995).
  11. There is a wide range of radionuclide bioaccumulations in soil micromycetes. The accumulation factor of Cs-137 in Stemphylium (family Dematiaceae) is 348 and in Verticillium (family Muctdinaceae) 28 (Zymenko et al., 1995).
  12. Since the catastrophe, the prevalence of black microfungi has dramatically increased in contaminated soil surrounding Chernobyl (Zhdanova et al., 1991, 1994).
  13. Among soil bacteria that most actively accumulate Cs-137 are Agrobacterium sp. (accumulation factor 587), Enterobacter sp. (60–288), and Klebsiella sp. (256; Zymenko et al., 1995).
  14. In all soil samples from the 10-km Chernobyl zone the abundance of soil bacteria (nitrifying, sulfate-reducing, nitrogen-fixing, and cellulose-fermenting bacteria, and heterotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria) was reduced by up to two orders of magnitude as compared to control areas (Romanovskaya et al., 1998).
  15. In contaminated areas several new variants of tobacco mosaic virus appeared that affect plants other than Solanaceous species, and their virulence is most likely correlated with the level of radioactive contamination in the areas. Infection of tobacco plants with tobacco mosaic virus and oilseed rape mosaic virus was shown to induce a threefold increase in homologous DNA recombination in non-infected tissues (Boyko et al., 2007; Kovalchuk et al., 2003).
  16. All the strains of microfungi species that were studied (Alternaria alternata, Mucorhiemalis, and Paecilomyces lilacinus) from the heavily contaminated Chernobyl areas have aggregated growth of threadlike hyphae, whereas the same species from soil with low radionuclide contamination show normal growth. Only slowly growing Cladosporium cladosporioides has aggregated growth both in contaminated and TABLE 11.1. Characteristics of Oocysts of Coccidia (Eimeria cerna) in Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from Two Differently Contaminated Sites, Bryansk Province (Pel’gunov, 1996) Level of contamination 20μ R/h 180–220 ΜR/h Normal 94.5 76.6 Anomalous 06.3 Nonsporulated 5.2 12.2 lightly contaminated soils (Ivanova et al., 2006).
  17. Sharp reduction in the abundance of bifidus bacteria and the prevalence of microbes of the class Escherichia; in particular, a sharp increase in E. coli has been noted in the intestines of evacuee children living in Ukraine (Luk’yanova et al., 1995).
  18. In a long-term study (1954 to 1994—before and after the catastrophe) in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia it was revealed that in areas with a high level of radioactive contamination (740–1,480 kBq/m2 and higher) in Bryansk, Mogilev, Gomel, Chernygov, Sumy, Kaluga, Oryol, Smolensk, and Kursk provinces, practically no cases of rabies in wild animals have been reported since the catastrophe (Adamovich, 1998). This suggests that the rabies virus has either disappeared or become inactivate.
  19. Rodents in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus have been extensively invaded by coccids (obligate intracellular protozoan parasites from the phylum Apicomplexa; Sutchenya et al., 1995).
  20. There are fewer than normal, more anomalous, and no sporulated oocysts of coccidian Eimeria cerna in voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Bryansk Province (Table 11.1).
  21. Six years after the catastrophe a population of Eimeria cernae From Clethrionomys Glareolus living in heavily contaminated soil (up to 7.3 k Bq/kg of Cs-134, Cs-137, Sr-90, and Pu-106) in Kiev Province Yablokov: Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota 283 had anomalous oocysts (Soshkin and Pel’gunov, 1994).
  22. There was a significant decline in the Shannon diversity index of infusoria species and a concomitant increase in their abundance in the Pripyat River mouth from 1986 to 1988 (Nebrat, 1992).

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria. All but a few microorganisms that have been studied in Chernobyl-affected territories underwent rapid changes in heavily contaminated areas.

Our contemporary knowledge is too limited to understand even the main consequences of the inevitable radioactive-induced genetic changes among the myriad of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that inhabit the intestines, lungs, blood, organs, and cells of human beings.

The strong association between carcinogenesis and viruses (papilloma virus, hepatitis virus, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and herpes virus) provides another reason why the cancer rate increased in areas contaminated by Chernobyl irradiation (for a review, see Sreelekha et al., 2003).

Not only cancer, but also many other illnesses are connected with viruses and bacteria. Radiologically induced pathologic changes in the microflora in humans can increase susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases of bacterial and viral origin (influenza, chronic intestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, endocolitis, asthma, dermatitis, and ischemia), and various pathologies of pregnancy. The long-term consequences for microbial biota may be worse than what we understand today.


[2] Published by New York Academy of Sciences, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment was written by scientists who used health data from 1986 to 2004; edited by Janet Sherman.



Volume 1181


Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment




Prof. Dr. Biol. Dimitro M. Grodzinsky, vii



Alexey V. Yablokov and Vassily B. Nesterenko, x


Acknowledgments, xiv


Introduction: The Difficult Truth about Chernobyl.

Alexey V. Nesterenko, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Yablokov, 1


Chapter I. Chernobyl Contamination: An Overview

  1. Chernobyl Contamination through Time and Space.

Alexey V. Yablokov and Vassily B. Nesterenko, 5


Chapter II. Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe for Public Health

  1. Chernobyl’s Public Health Consequences: Some Methodological Problems.

Alexey V. Yablokov, 32

  1. General Morbidity, Impairment, and Disability after the Chernobyl Catastrophe.

Alexey V. Yablokov, 42

  1. Accelerated Aging as a Consequence of the Chernobyl Catastrophe

Alexey V. Yablokov, 55

  1. Nonmalignant Diseases after the Chernobyl Catastrophe

Alexey V. Yablokov, 58

  1. Oncological Diseases after the Chernobyl Catastrophe

Alexey V. Yablokov, 161

  1. Mortality after the Chernobyl Catastrophe

Alexey V. Yablokov, 192

Conclusion to Chapter II, 217


Chapter III. Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe for the Environment

  1. Atmospheric, Water, and Soil Contamination after Chernobyl

Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko, 223

  1. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Flora

Alexey V. Yablokov, 237

  1. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Fauna

Alexey V. Yablokov, 255

  1. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota

Alexey V. Yablokov, 281

Conclusion to Chapter III, 285


Chapter IV. Radiation Protection after the Chernobyl Catastrophe

  1. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Contamination of Food and People

Alexey V. Nesterenko, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Yablokov, 289

  1. De-corporation of Chernobyl Radionuclides

Vassily B. Nesterenko and Alexey V. Nesterenko, 303

  1. Protective Measures for Activities in Chernobyl’s Radioactively Contaminated Territories

Alexey V. Nesterenko and Vassily B. Nesterenko, 311

  1. Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe for Public Health and the Environment 23 Years Later.

Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko, 318

Conclusion to Chapter IV, 327