db example: horse
Here are examples of searches using the db search engine
db: horse | db: shark | db: Beatty (by Las Vegas) | db: WIPP | db generic sample page | db specific sample page: U.S.S. Ronald Reagan sailors - Fukushima fallout toll |
12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014 | 356 index: horse; May 6, 2015; skin - Horses - skin falls off 1/3rd of body, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting
-8368- TV: Mystery illness hits California horses - nobody will even tell us what it is -skin falls off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting - Expert: Never seen anything like it in 40-year career (PHOTOS -[i] [ii] & VIDEOS) - also, note similar condition of losing skin in marine mammals, here [iii]
-8368.1- also see: Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada’s Pacific coast - Insides also yellow: Heart parts, gill arches, spines, cartilage in head - Spleens swollen, livers spotted, some with bugged-out eyes (PHOTOS) Oct 17, 2013
-8368.2- also see: Sickened Alaska animals getting more tests for Fukushima radionuclides - Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss (PHOTOS) Mar 14, 2013
-8368.4- also see: Eye swelling a symptom of thyroid disorder - children’s eyes become swollen after being in radiation-contaminated sandboxes, (VIDEO) Oct 31, 2011